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Monday, March 17, 2025

Bravo to meet WICB today



Em­bat­tled West In­dies left hand­ed bats­man Dar­ren Bra­vo will meet of­fi­cials of the Crick­et West In­dies (CWI) to­day via skype to deal with is­sues sur­round­ing his ban from re­gion­al and West In­dies crick­et.

The left han­der was left out of the T&T Red Force crick­et team and when the team was cho­sen in De­cem­ber CEO of the T&T Crick­et Board (TTCB) Su­ruj Ra­goonath said, "The WICB has in­vit­ed Dar­ren Bra­vo to a meet­ing. We ex­pect that a de­ter­mi­na­tion will be made con­cern­ing his se­lec­tion for the Trinidad and To­ba­go Red Force and the West In­dies teams fol­low­ing this meet­ing. Un­til the mat­ter has been re­solved and the par­ties have agreed on a po­si­tion, Mr Bra­vo would not be al­lowed to par­tic­i­pate in the cur­rent Re­gion­al Dig­i­cel 4-Day, nor would he be el­i­gi­ble for se­lec­tion for the West In­dies. The WICB awaits a re­sponse from Mr Bra­vo re­gard­ing the meet­ing in­vi­ta­tion."

Well the day for this meet­ing is here and the left han­der will be hop­ing to work things out with the re­gion­al crick­et body so that he can re­sume what has been a very promis­ing ca­reer thus far. He has kept him­self ac­tive all the while, in the event he is al­lowed to play again and even got 31 against the T&T Red Force play­ing for Queen's Park in a warm-up Su­per50 clash at the Queen's Park Oval on Wednes­day night.

Bra­vo was sent home from the West In­dies tour of Zim­bab­we and banned from West In­dies crick­et af­ter he tweet­ed some un­kind re­marks about the pres­i­dent of the WICB, Dave Cameron last No­vem­ber.

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