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Sunday, March 16, 2025

Brilliant Dottin puts Heat in semifinals



BRIS­BANE–West In­dies star De­an­dra Dot­tin showed no ill-ef­fects from a three-week lay­off due to surgery as she lashed a classy half-cen­tu­ry in a Play­er-of-the-Match per­for­mance to help pow­er Bris­bane Heat in­to semi­fi­nals of the Women's Big Bash yes­ter­day.

Play­ing at the Gab­ba in their sec­ond game in as many days, Heat de­feat­ed Ade­laide Strik­ers on the one-over elim­i­na­tor af­ter scores were tied in a dra­mat­ic en­counter.

In on­ly her sec­ond game since re­cov­er­ing from mul­ti­ple frac­tures of the cheek­bone sus­tained in an on-field col­li­sion with team­mate Lau­ra Har­ris last month, the right-hand­ed Dot­tin stroked 51 from 41 balls–an in­nings that lift­ed Heat to 127 for six off their 20 overs.

They were slump­ing at 60 for five in the 12th over when Dot­tin–who bat­ted in a face mask to pro­tect her re­cent in­jury–ar­rived to gal­vanise the in­nings in a knock that in­clud­ed sev­en fours.

Crit­i­cal­ly, she put on 60 for the sixth wick­et with Har­ris who made 17 not out, to frus­trate Strik­ers down in the lat­ter half of the in­nings.

Dot­tin's half-cen­tu­ry was her sec­ond of the tour­na­ment fol­low­ing her un­beat­en 60 last month against Syd­ney Thun­der.

In re­ply, Strik­ers re­spond­ed well, with open­er Tam­my Beau­mont hit­ting 58 from 54 de­liv­er­ies, cap­tain Tegan McPhar­lin chip­ping in with 23 and open­er Char­lotte Ed­wards, get­ting 21.

Strik­ers were los­ing their way at 73 for six in the 15th over un­til Beau­mont and McPhar­lin added 49 for the sev­enth to re­vive the in­nings.

With six runs need­ed off the fi­nal over, medi­um pac­er Dot­tin failed to pre­vent Heat from ty­ing the scores–de­spite a tight over–as Coyte scored the two runs re­quired off the last ball.

Right-armer Dot­tin pro­duced a miser­ly four-over spell, claim­ing one for 17.

She then kept the ball for the elim­i­na­tor, pro­duc­ing a su­perb over to lim­it Strik­ers to four runs for three wick­ets–a tar­get eas­i­ly over­hauled off the first two de­liv­er­ies by Heat.

Heat fin­ished third in the stand­ings fol­low­ing the end of the pre­lim­i­nar­ies to qual­i­fy for the semi­fi­nals, and will now face sec­ond placed Perth Scorchers in Tues­day's first semi­fi­nal.


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