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Sunday, March 16, 2025

Ramdin, Rampaul for four-day series



T&T Red Force has been bol­stered by the re­turn of se­nior play­ers De­nesh Ramdin and Ravi Ram­paul for the sec­ond phase of the Dig­i­cel Pro­fes­sion­al Crick­et League (PCL) which will take place in March.

Re­cent­ly Head coach of the team Gus Lo­gie made a call for the se­nior play­ers to re­turn to the fold to as­sist the team to climb out of the bot­tom of the stand­ings. At the end of the pre-Christ­mas pe­ri­od the T&T Red Force stood at the bot­tom of the six-team stand­ings. Patrick Ram­per­sad the third vice-pres­i­dent of the T&T Crick­et Board (TTCB) said the team is ex­pect­ed to have a stronger look when the se­ries restarts. "We un­der­stand from dis­cus­sions that De­nesh Ramdin has giv­en the word that he will con­tin­ue to play for the rest of the sea­son with us, as well as fast bowler Ravi Ram­paul.

"I don't think it is a sit­u­a­tion that the se­nior play­ers don't want to play for their coun­try, I think it is the con­trary. They want to play and they will once the op­por­tu­ni­ty presents it­self. Dwayne Bra­vo is in­jured, Dar­ren Bra­vo has his sit­u­a­tion with the Crick­et West In­dies and I am sure once dealt with he will be back with us, so I am con­fi­dent that the best tal­ent will be on dis­play for the rest of the pro­fes­sion­al crick­et league when it gets go­ing again."

Ramdin and Ram­paul are back for the Su­per50 se­ries and Ramdin is the cap­tain of the team that is cur­rent­ly prepar­ing to de­fend the ti­tle in the up­com­ing se­ries. Al­so back in the Su­per50 team is all rounder Rayad Em­rit who missed some match­es in the PCL be­cause of his com­mit­ments in the Bangladesh Pre­mier League T20 tour­na­ment.

T&T Red Force has how­ev­er lost the ser­vices of all rounder Kevon Coop­er and Akeal Ho­sein are both now play­ing with the Lee­ward Is­lands Hur­ri­canes in the Re­gion­al Su­per50.

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