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Thursday, March 27, 2025

Army declared Pro League champs due to COVID19


Sports Desk
1834 days ago
GOAL CELEBRATION Defence Force players celebrtae with goalscoer Brent Sam, centre, on the ground during the TT Pro League match between Defence Force and Police FC at Ato Boldon Stadium in Balmain, Couva on March 10. Defence Force won 4-1. See page 59.

GOAL CELEBRATION Defence Force players celebrtae with goalscoer Brent Sam, centre, on the ground during the TT Pro League match between Defence Force and Police FC at Ato Boldon Stadium in Balmain, Couva on March 10. Defence Force won 4-1. See page 59.

Daniel Prentice/CA-images

De­fence Force was de­clared the win­ner of the 2019/2020 T&T Pro League yes­ter­day, af­ter a de­ci­sion by the League to take pre­ven­ta­tive mea­sures, due to the dead­ly COVID19 (coro­n­avirus) which has now reached a to­tal of nine cas­es.

Yes­ter­day the League in a re­lease said, “Giv­en the ex­ist­ing sit­u­a­tion with re­gard to the world­wide pan­dem­ic, COVID19 (coro­n­avirus), the League has tak­en the de­ci­sion to de­clare the De­fence Force Foot­ball Club the 2020 League cham­pi­ons. The de­ci­sion was tak­en in light of the fact that we will not be able to com­plete the League any­time soon. At present, we now have nine af­fect­ed cit­i­zens re­port­ed and it is more than like­ly that this will grow in num­bers over the com­ing weeks.”

It said al­so: “The League is of the view that this is the best de­ci­sion to take un­der the cir­cum­stances and ex­tends con­grat­u­la­tions to the De­fence Force Foot­ball Club. We al­so con­tin­ue to pray for our na­tion at this time.”

Cur­rent­ly the Army Coast Guard Com­bi­na­tion team leads the 11-team stand­ings with 42 points af­ter 17 match­es. They en­joy a com­fort­able sev­en-point ad­van­tage on their clos­est ri­val Ter­minix La Hor­quet­ta Rangers on 35 points in 17 games, with Point Fortin Civic, W Con­nec­tion- the mul­ti­ple times win­ners, and Mor­vant Cale­do­nia Unit­ed se­cur­ing third, fourth and fifth on the ta­ble re­spec­tive­ly.

Fi­nal Team Stand­ings 2019-2020


1. De­fence Force FC*17*13*3*1*35*17*42

2. L.H Rangers*17*11*2*4*48*18*35

3. Pt Fortin Civic*17*8*4*5*25*23*28

4. W Con­nec­tion*16*8*3*5*28*20*27

5. Mor­vant Cale­do­nia*17*6*6*5*20*23*24

6. Po­lice FC*17*6*5*6*29*22*23

7. Club San­do*18*5*6*7*28*25*21

8. Jabloteh*17*5*4*8*21*31*19

9. Cen­tral FC *18*3*5*10*18*34*14

10. AC Port-of-Spain*17*3*4*10*18*38*13

11. Cunu­pia FC*17*2*6*9*14*33*12

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