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Sunday, March 23, 2025

Badree to coach in the IPL


2196 days ago
Windies spin twin Sunil Narine, left, and Samuel Badree.

Windies spin twin Sunil Narine, left, and Samuel Badree.


There will be no clash be­tween the Caribbean Pre­mier League (CPL) and the In­di­an tour of the Caribbean, as own­ers of the CPL have de­cid­ed to change the dates of the tour­na­ment.

Orig­i­nal­ly, the 2019 CPL was due to be played from Au­gust 17 to Sep­tem­ber 30 but this would clash with the In­di­an tour of the Caribbean. The In­di­an na­tion­al team is due to tour the Caribbean at the end of the World Cup in Eng­land. The World Cup ends on Ju­ly 15 and ac­cord­ing to a reg­u­la­tion set in place by the Board of Con­trol for Crick­et in In­dia (BC­CI), the team can­not em­bark on a new tour be­fore 15 days have passed. This meant that the tour would have clashed with the start of the CPL.

Af­ter ne­go­ti­a­tions be­tween Crick­et West In­dies (CWI) and CPL, the CPL own­ers de­cid­ed that they would move their dates and now the CPL will be played from Sep­tem­ber 4 to Oc­to­ber 12.

The In­di­ans will be com­ing to the Caribbean at the end of Ju­ly and will play two Test match­es, three ODIs, and three T20s. The Test match­es are like­ly to be played in Trinidad and Ja­maica, while Guyana will get the ODIs and the T20 match­es will be played in Fort Laud­erdale as was done dur­ing the last In­di­an tour of the Caribbean.

The T&T Crick­et Board (TTCB) has been in dis­cus­sion with the gov­ern­ment of T&T and a bid will be made soon for the first Test match in­volv­ing the In­di­ans. T&T did not bid for any of the match­es on the Eng­land tour of the Caribbean re­cent­ly as the Tests were played in Bar­ba­dos, An­tigua, and St. Lu­cia. The ODIs were played in Bar­ba­dos, Grena­da and St. Lu­cia and the T20s in St. Lu­cia and St. Kitts.

Badree to coach at the IPL

Windies leg-spin­ner Samuel Badree is set to be­come the first West In­di­an to coach in the lu­cra­tive In­di­an Pre­mier League (IPL).

Badree a lev­el III coach has been em­ployed as the spin bowl­ing coach for the Del­hi Cap­i­tals for the up­com­ing IPL. The IPL gets go­ing on March 23 and Del­hi Cap­i­tals will be­gin their bid for ho­n­ours on March 24 against the pop­u­lar Mum­bai In­di­ans.

Badree will be work­ing with the for­mer Aus­tralian Test play­er Ricky Ponting who is the head coach at the fran­chise. Badree has played in five CPLs start­ing in 2013. He first played for the Ra­jasthan Roy­als and then moved to Chan­nai where he played for two years. He al­so played for the Roy­al Chal­lengers Ban­ga­lore for two sea­sons

The Bar­rack­pore man made it clear that he has not re­tired from in­ter­na­tion­al crick­et. "I have not re­tired from in­ter­na­tion­al crick­et. I have coached be­fore at the Aus­tralian Acad­e­my so this is my sec­ond stint as coach and I am re­al­ly look­ing for­ward to it.

"I am very proud of be­ing the first West In­di­an to coach at the IPL and al­so to be a spin­ner and get a job as a spin bowl­ing coach in In­dia is al­so big to me.

"I in­tend to do the best that I can do to lift the fran­chise and I am keen to see how this tran­si­tion from play­er to coach works out. I have nev­er coached at a high lev­el here in the Caribbean so I am look­ing for­ward to learn­ing a lot and con­tribut­ing a lot to the Del­hi set up.

Badree has played 197 T20 match­es and has tak­en 187 wick­ets at an av­er­age of 22.16 and an econ­o­my rate of 6.02.

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