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Monday, February 24, 2025

Bascombe, Augustine, Elcock seek NACAC honours


Rachael Thompson-King
2066 days ago
Abilene Wildcats sprinter Jerod Elcock did the sprint double at the Abilene Wildcats Track Classic at the Larry Gomes Stadium in Malabar, Arima in May.

Abilene Wildcats sprinter Jerod Elcock did the sprint double at the Abilene Wildcats Track Classic at the Larry Gomes Stadium in Malabar, Arima in May.

Shani­qua Bas­combe of Cougars Ath­let­ics Club, Devin Au­gus­tine of Point Fortin New Jets (PFNJ) and Jerod El­cock of Abi­lene Wild­cats, who re­cent­ly wrapped up ex­treme­ly suc­cess­ful sea­sons com­pet­ing Na­tion­al As­so­ci­a­tion of Ath­let­ics Ad­min­is­tra­tions of T&T (NAAATT) ju­nior Cham­pi­onships will be part of the lo­cal con­tin­gent that leaves to­mor­row to com­pete at the North Amer­i­can, Cen­tral Amer­i­can and Caribbean (NACAC) Un­der-18/U-23 Cham­pi­onships.

The trio will seek to con­tin­ue their dom­i­na­tion on the track at the three-day meet which starts on Fri­day and runs un­til Sun­day in Quere­taro, Mex­i­co.

Girls' U-17 200m Carif­ta cham­pi­on, Bas­combe, is aim­ing to com­plete the sprint (100m/200m) dou­ble in the girls U-18 cat­e­go­ry so too El­cock in the boys U-23 cat­e­go­ry while Au­gus­tine will face the starter in the boys U-18 100m. He will then part­ner with Jay­don Moore (Mem­phis Pi­o­neers), Sha­keem Mc Kay (Abi­lene Wild­cats) and Justin Guy (Kaizen Pan­thers) in the 4x100m re­lay.

Some two weeks lat­er, Bas­combe will join Tyriq Hors­ford (Zenith), a five-time Carif­ta javelin cham­pi­on, at the Pan Amer­i­can Ju­nior Track and Field Cham­pi­onships in San Jose, Cos­ta Ri­ca from Ju­ly 19-21. Ear­li­er this year at the Carif­ta Games in the Cay­man Is­lands, Hors­ford struck gold in the boys’ U-20 javelin.

The NAAATT al­so named an eight-mem­ber team for the NACAC U-13/U-15 Age Group Cham­pi­onships (El Sal­vador) from Ju­ly 26-27.


Ju­ly 5-7: NACAC U-18/U-23 (Quere­taro, Mex­i­co)

Boys U-18: Devin Au­gus­tine (PFNJ) - 100m/4x100m; Jay­don Moore (Mem­phis) - 100m/4x100m; Sha­keem Mc Kay (Abi­lene) - 200m/4x100m; Saeed Pom­pey Charles (Mor­vant Jets) - 400m/4x400m mixed; Je­sa­iah Jones (DPAC) - 400m/4x400m mixed; Justin Guy (Kaizen Pan­thers) - 110m hur­dles/4x100m.

Girls U-18: Shani­qua Bas­combe (Cougars) - 100m/200m; Leah Bertrand (Sim­plex) - 100m/200m; Rae-Anne Serville (Mem­phis) - 400m/4x400m mixed; Tae­jha Badal (Un­at­tached) - 400m/4x400m mixed.

Boys U-23: Jerod El­cock (Abi­lene) - 100m/200m; And­wuelle Wright (Kaizen Pan­thers) - Long jump; Che Richards (Oa­sics) - long jump

Of­fi­cials: Durly Lu­cas (man­ag­er), Wen­dell Williams (Jumps coach), An­tiona Bur­ton (Sprints coach), Kelvin Nan­coo (Sprints coach), Keisha Fras­er (mas­sage ther­a­pist).

Ju­ly 18-21: Pan Am U20 Cham­pi­onships (San Jose, Cos­ta Ri­ca)

Boys: Jabari Fox (PFNJ) - 200m; Che Lara (Abi­lene) - 400m; Kelsey Daniel (Kaizen Pan­thers) - long jump/triple jump; Jay­don An­tione (Neon Wolves) - long jump; Tyriq Hors­ford (Zenith) - javelin; Justin Guy (Kaizen Pan­thers) - 110m hur­dles

Girls: Aaliyah Stanis­claus (RSS Phoenix) - 100m/200m/4x100m; Ak­i­lah Lewis (Con­corde) - 100m/4x100m; Shani­qua Bas­come (Cougars) - 200m/4x100m; Tae­jha Badal (Un­at­tached) - 400m/4x100m/4x400m; Tamia Badal (Un­at­tached) - 100mH/400mH/4x400m

Ky­moy No­ray (Zenith) - javelin; An­tiona Sealey (Ful­fill­ing Ath­let­ic Dreams) - javelin/hep­tathlon; Ta­tian­na Mar­tinez (Mer­cury) - 400m/4x400m; Caliyah Wal­lace (Cougars) - 4x400m

Of­fi­cials: Dawn Wash­ing­ton (man­ag­er), Na­dine Hamid (throws coach), Reynold Porter-Lee (mul­ti event coach), Dave Sandy (Sprints/Hur­dles coach), Ar­lon Mor­ri­son (Jumps coach), An­tho­ny Wal­cott (mas­sage ther­a­pist), Clint Mc Ken­zie (mas­sage ther­a­pist)

Ju­ly 26-27: NACAC U-13/U-15 Age Group Cham­pi­onships (El Sal­vador)

Boys U-13: Im­mani Matthew (To­co Ti­tans) - pen­tathlon; Tyrique Vin­cent (Con­corde) - pen­tathlon

Girls U-13: Kaori Rob­ley (Mer­cury) - pen­tathlon; Chloe James (Mer­cury) - pen­tathlon

Boys U-15: Keone John (Mem­phis) - hep­tathlon; Do­ri­an Charles (PFNJ) - hep­tathlon

Girls U-15: Janae De Gannes (Zenith) - hep­tathlon; Gi­an­na Paul (Un­at­tached) - hep­tathlon

Of­fi­cials: Ar­lon Mor­ri­son (man­ag­er), An­na-Lee Wal­cott (mul­ti events coach), Welling­ton Wil­son (mul­ti events coach), Ver­na Ed­wards (mul­ti events coach/mas­sage ther­a­pist)

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