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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Beach footballers fall to Panama 5-3, makes exit


Walter Alibey
5 days ago
USA’s Andrés Navas, right, tries to control the ball against T&T during the match at the CONCACAF Beach Soccer Championship, held at the Malcolm Park Beach Soccer Facility stadium, in Nassau, Bahamas. USA won 4-1 on penalty kicks after the scores were tied 2-2 at the end of regulation time. Yesterday, T&T fell to a 5-3 defeat against Panama

USA’s Andrés Navas, right, tries to control the ball against T&T during the match at the CONCACAF Beach Soccer Championship, held at the Malcolm Park Beach Soccer Facility stadium, in Nassau, Bahamas. USA won 4-1 on penalty kicks after the scores were tied 2-2 at the end of regulation time. Yesterday, T&T fell to a 5-3 defeat against Panama

Courtesy Concacaf

T&T’s beach foot­ballers gave a fight­ing dis­play on Wednes­day (March 12) against Pana­ma in a must-win clash of the Con­ca­caf Beach Soc­cer Qual­i­fiers for the 2025 World Cup but were beat­en 5-3 at the Mal­colm Park Beach Soc­cer Fa­cil­i­ty in Nas­sau, Ba­hamas.

The re­sult meant the Pana­ma­ni­ans had earned the right to ad­vance as one of the top two teams in the group, af­ter beat­ing the home team - the Ba­hamas 4-3 in a penal­ty shoot-out, fol­low­ing a 2-2 re­sult at the end of reg­u­la­tion time on Tues­day.

Co­in­ci­den­tal­ly, the T&T men al­so fell to the Unit­ed States 4-1 on penal­ties af­ter a sim­i­lar 2-2 tie in their open­ing match on Tues­day (March 11).

Chad Ap­poo-coached team en­tered the tour­na­ment as the eighth-ranked team in the re­gion.

Led by T&T Pre­mier Foot­ball League cam­paign­er Jesse Bai­ley, the men in red, white and black had a fly­ing start to the match when their all-time lead­ing goalscor­er Kevon “Show­time” Wood­ley latched on to goal­keep­er Jabari Gray’s throw-out by con­nect­ing with a bi­cy­cle kick that can­noned against the cross­bar with less than a minute gone in the match.

In­stead, the Pana­ma­ni­ans took the ad­van­tage when goal­keep­er Juan Loaiza’s pitch was quick­ly met with the head by Rafael Gar­cia in­to the path of his name-sake Eliecer Gar­cia, who con­nect­ed sweet­ly with an ac­ro­bat­ic shot that flew past Gray in the T&T goal for the 1-0 ad­van­tage.

How­ev­er, their cel­e­bra­tions were mut­ed when the T&T men lev­elled the score. From a quick throw-in from cap­tain Bai­ley, Jay­don Joseph charged in to place the ball per­fect­ly past the strand­ed Loaiza for a tied 1-1 score.

The Pana­ma­ni­ans, a qual­i­fi­er for the World Cup in the past, were lat­er giv­en an out­stand­ing dis­play from at­tack­er Al­fon­so Maque­n­si with a hat-trick that stole the game away from the T&T in the re­main­ing mo­ments of the match, de­spite a brace from T&T’s “Show­time” Wood­ley.

With the first pe­ri­od of play still in its ear­ly stage, Maque­n­si opened his ac­count by drift­ing past two de­fend­ers be­fore hit­ting hard and low past Gray for a 2-1 score­line.

Still, there was no end to the pro­ceed­ings with Ap­poo’s men con­fi­dent of one of two top spots. Strange­ly though, the equalis­er came from a reck­less tack­le on Aki­no­la Gre­go­ry by Al­ber­to Kel­ly which earned him march­ing or­ders from Guatemalan ref­er­ee Wil­fredy Vil­le­gas and sent the T&T team to the penal­ty spot, where Wood­ley made no mis­take by send­ing the goalie the wrong way.

Still, the Pana­ma­ni­ans could not be stopped, as Maque­n­si un­leashed a long-range shot that sailed in­to the goal for a 3-2 lead soon be­fore the end of the first pe­ri­od.

Late in the sec­ond pe­ri­od, Wood­ley, for a sec­ond time put his team back on lev­el foot­ing when he head­ed in a right-side cor­ner from Shane Hospedales.

How­ev­er, Maque­n­si com­plet­ed his hat-trick mid­way in the third pe­ri­od from a free kick, and then Rod­ney Ramos drilled the fi­nal item to as­sure a 5-3 win that took Pana­ma to the round of four.

T&T will, on Thurs­day (March 13), face the home team in their fi­nal match of the group at 8 pm.

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