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Monday, March 3, 2025

Calls for Hadad to give directions


Walter Alibey - Senior Sports Reporter
1753 days ago
Robert Hadad, head of FIFA’s normalisation committee which is running the affairs of the TTFA since March 27.

Robert Hadad, head of FIFA’s normalisation committee which is running the affairs of the TTFA since March 27.

The si­lence of the FI­FA-ap­point­ed Nor­mal­i­sa­tion Com­mit­tee Chair­man Robert Hadad has be­come a ma­jor con­cern for some tech­ni­cal of­fi­cials of the lo­cal foot­ball fra­ter­ni­ty.

Al­most six weeks in­to his tenure as chair­man, both coach­es and tech­ni­cal of­fi­cials, who agreed to speak to Guardian Me­dia Sports on the con­di­tion of anonymi­ty on Thurs­day, are call­ing on Hadad to break his si­lence and out­line what are his plans for lo­cal foot­ball both fi­nan­cial­ly and from a tech­ni­cal stand­point.

“Mr Hadad held a zoom meet­ing for tech­ni­cal staff mem­bers on April 29 and at the end of it, we left in the say way we start­ed. We don't know what is hap­pen­ing. Are we go­ing to be paid, when will we be paid, will re­sume train­ing in post-COVID-19, what is hap­pen­ing with the T&T Foot­ball As­so­ci­a­tion ac­counts, what is hap­pen­ing with our na­tion­al teams and the T&T Pro League, what about our plans for com­ing qual­i­fiers and tour­na­ments etc,” two coach­es asked.

The coach­es have al­so said dis­ap­point­ing­ly that there have al­so yet to hear a word from Hadad's deputy, at­tor­ney and En­vi­ron­men­tal­ist Judy Daniel, and re­tired banker and busi­ness­man Nigel Ro­mano, who is al­so a di­rec­tor and part­ner at More TT and the chair­man at Na­tion­al Flour Mills.

The two got the nod to work along­side Hadad from the world gov­ern­ing body for foot­ball - FI­FA on March 27, when it de­cid­ed to ap­point a nor­mal­iza­tion com­mit­tee to man­age the af­fairs of TT foot­ball, cit­ing a re­al risk of in­sol­ven­cy and illiq­uid­i­ty, with no con­crete plans of clear­ing a debt, al­leged to be $50 mil­lion on March 17.

Two oth­er mem­bers are sup­posed to be added to the com­mit­tee, up­on the ap­point­ment of the CON­CA­CAF and the FI­FA soon.

Hadad, the HAD­CO Group of Com­pa­nies di­rec­tor, was bap­tized in­to lo­cal foot­ball ad­min­is­tra­tion with a bat­tle through the Court of Ar­bi­tra­tion for Sports (CAS), be­tween FI­FA and the oust­ed ad­min­is­tra­tion that was led by William Wal­lace and his three vice pres­i­dent Clynt Tay­lor, Joseph 'Sam' Phillip and Su­san Joseph-War­rick.

He al­so had to put his le­gal per­son­nel on stand­by to se­cure own­er­ship of the TTFA let­ter­head, while, at the same time, chal­lenge Wal­lace for use of the foot­ball as­so­ci­a­tion bank ac­counts.

Hadad is ex­pect­ing grant and COVID-19 Re­lief funds from the FI­FA but has to wait un­til he can get used of the TTFA's First Cit­i­zens Bank ac­counts. In the lat­est saga for the ac­count, the bank has called on both Hadad and Wal­lace to walk with a le­gal doc­u­ment show­ing they have the right to use the ac­count.

The T&T Foot­ball As­so­ci­a­tion is in line to re­ceive US$1.2 mil­lion (an es­ti­mat­ed TT$6.7mil­lion), plus a CON­CA­CAF US$160,000 (an es­ti­mat­ed TT$1,040,000) grant, as well as an un­known amount for the re­lief fund to the Nor­mal­i­sa­tion Com­mit­tee.

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