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Friday, March 14, 2025

Carter to feature at Bergen Swim Festival


Rajiv Suratsingh
83 days ago
T&T’s Dylan Carter

T&T’s Dylan Carter

Jae C. Hong

T&T swim­mer Dy­lan Carter will fea­ture at the 2025 Bergen Swim Fes­ti­val which will be held from April 4-6 in Nor­way.

Carter is a three-time Olympian for Team TTO and was al­so crowned the over­all World Cup win­ner in 2022 with nine gold medals in that com­pe­ti­tion. With mul­ti­ple medals from the World Cham­pi­onships, World Cup, and Com­mon­wealth Games, Carter’s ca­reer speaks for it­self, fea­tur­ing an im­pres­sive list of ac­com­plish­ments.

Speak­ing to Guardian Me­dia, Carter’s coach Dex­ter Brown said that the 50-me­tre freestyle spe­cial­ist is get­ting back to his best form.

“I think his re­cent per­for­mances have been promis­ing in our eyes, in terms of him reach­ing back to his full form.”

Coach Brown un­der­stands the chal­lenges that ath­letes of this lev­el face and sees the Bergen event as a plat­form for Dy­lan to dis­play his form’s cur­rent up­ward tra­jec­to­ry.

“I think it’s typ­i­cal for an ath­lete, par­tic­u­lar­ly at that lev­el to ex­pe­ri­ence highs and lows but Dy­lan seems head­ed back in the right di­rec­tion and we cer­tain­ly hope that he is able to con­tin­ue on that path.”

The meet will be con­duct­ed un­der World Aquat­ics reg­u­la­tions fea­tur­ing both an A-flight and B-flight in the pre­lim­i­nary rounds. For the fi­nals, there will be A and B-fi­nals in sep­a­rate ses­sions. The A-flight will con­sist of 6/5/4/3 heats for the 50/100/200/400 me­tres re­spec­tive­ly, with the swim­mers with the best times com­pet­ing in the A-flight. The re­main­ing swim­mers will swim in the B-flight.

Con­sid­ered to be Nor­way’s biggest high-lev­el in­ter­na­tion­al long course swim meet, the Bergen Swim Fes­ti­val will be held at The AdO Are­na, the pre­mier aquat­ic fa­cil­i­ty in Nor­way.

The fa­cil­i­ty of­fers a 10-lane, 50m com­pe­ti­tion pool, with a three-me­tre depth and a sep­a­rate 25m warm-up/cool-down pool with eight lanes.

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