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Sunday, March 2, 2025

Coaches: Revert to zonal football, leave out InterCol for shortened season


Walter Alibey
1730 days ago
Shawn Cooper, right, the head coach of Presentation College of San Fernando gives instruction to his players Luke Charles, centre, and Zion Allen during their SSFL Premiership Division match at the Ato Boldon Stadium in Balmain, Couva, last year.

Shawn Cooper, right, the head coach of Presentation College of San Fernando gives instruction to his players Luke Charles, centre, and Zion Allen during their SSFL Premiership Division match at the Ato Boldon Stadium in Balmain, Couva, last year.


"Re­vert to Zon­al foot­ball and leave out the Co­ca Co­la In­ter­col play-off for this year's Sec­ondary Schools Foot­ball League (SS­FL), if there is to be a short­ened ver­sion this year," coach­es from four out of the five zones have said.

Their com­ments come two days af­ter SS­FL pres­i­dent William Wal­lace, in a Guardian re­port on Thurs­day, said the League could be cur­tailed by chal­lenges caused by the COVID-19 sit­u­a­tion. The ex­ec­u­tive of the schools league will meet soon to de­ter­mine if they will have to run a short­ened ver­sion or not.

They will al­so have to de­cide on whether to have com­pe­ti­tion on­ly for the Pre­mier­ship and Cham­pi­onship Di­vi­sions and leave out ac­tion in the low­er di­vi­sions such as the Un­der-16, 14, Girls U-15 and Form One U-13.

Coach­es Shawn Coop­er of Pre­sen­ta­tion Col­lege, Ronald Daniel of St An­tho­ny's Col­lege, Ker­ry Lynch of Spey­side High School and An­tho­ny Samuel of Mal­ick Sec­ondary al­so be­lieve, there should be no pro­mo­tion or de­mo­tion this year if the league is short­ened.

Coop­er told Guardian Me­dia Sports his main con­cern will be on play­ers in their fi­nal year, who will be at­tempt­ing to get schol­ar­ships abroad, oth­er­wise, he em­braces the idea of a short­ened sea­son.

Coop­er, who guid­ed the south­ern­ers to their first-ever In­ter­Col ti­tle last year, said play­ers like Jaiye Shep­pard, who scored the win­ner for 'Pres' in the In­ter­Col fi­nal against Na­pari­ma Col­lege, will be look­ing for schol­ar­ships to go out.

"There are lots of play­ers who would have been look­ing for­ward to this sea­son to see if they can get out to North Amer­i­ca. Sports­max will al­so be a very in­te­gral part in this, in terms of mar­ket­ing the play­ers and get­ting them to be seen by coach­es," he said.

"It will be a bur­den on some of the play­ers if you have to ask some­one to video­tape a game if Sports­max is not there. Coach­es nor­mal­ly want to see a whole game and not a video you put to­geth­er with just your good points."

Coop­er's boys are set to be­gin train­ing soon in an at­tempt to suc­cess­ful­ly de­fend their ti­tle.

Daniel said, "If we have to run foot­ball this year, they will have to go back to the zones, just as how it was be­fore. And from there, de­pend­ing on what­ev­er time we have, we can play a Big Five. This means they will have to leave out all the low­er di­vi­sions, it is al­ready tight."

Mean­while, Lynch be­lieves the Pre­mier­ship Di­vi­sion can be di­vid­ed in­to two groups that will play one round of com­pe­ti­tion, and the top teams will go in­to a play-off. With this for­mat, Lynch said the SS­FL ex­ec­u­tive may still be able to play the In­ter­Col which is nor­mal­ly a short tour­na­ment any­way.

Oth­er­wise, Lynch said it might be use­ful if we can re­vert to the zon­al com­pe­ti­tions which will end prob­a­bly in a big five play-off.

Mal­ick coach Samuel said if there is to be a short­ened sea­son, then there should be more match-days every week.

"We can prob­a­bly play al­most every day in the week at re­duced game-times, so in­stead of hav­ing 90-minute games, we can have 60 min­utes in­stead. There must al­so be no pro­mo­tion or de­mo­tion and this should ap­ply for both the Pre­mier­ship and Cham­pi­onship Di­vi­sions. We can leave out the In­ter­Col tour­na­ment," Samuel said.

Apart from a pos­si­ble short­ened ver­sion of the SS­FL this year, Wal­lace and com­pa­ny are al­so brac­ing for cuts in grants for schools from the Min­istry of Ed­u­ca­tion, cuts in fund­ing from their spon­sors, dras­ti­cal­ly re­duced crowd sup­port at match­es and un­cer­tain­ty about the role of Sports­max.

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