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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Cooper hits 110 not out in Powergen win over Players SC


Rachael Thompson-King
46 days ago
Powergen Women’s leading batters Caniesha Isaac, from left, Shania Abdool and Britney Cooper.

Powergen Women’s leading batters Caniesha Isaac, from left, Shania Abdool and Britney Cooper.

Brit­ney Coop­er scored an un­beat­en cen­tu­ry to lift Pow­er­gen Women to a huge 176-run vic­to­ry over Play­ers Sports Club (SC) in round three ac­tion in the T&T Women’s Crick­et As­so­ci­a­tion’s (TTWCA) Pre­mier­ship Di­vi­sion 50 Overs League on Jan­u­ary 26.

Pow­er­gen bat­ted first and post­ed an im­pres­sive score of 318/5 in 40 overs thanks to Coop­er's 66-ball-110 not out at the Pow­er­gen Sports Ground in Pe­nal. She had good sup­port of Sha­nia Ab­dool (63) and Ca­niesha Isaac (54), who each pro­duced half-cen­turies.

Sher­ine Ramkissoon was the lead­ing wick­et-tak­er with 2-50 while her team­mates Na­dia Mo­hammed (1-65) and Shani­ka Lal­loo (1-71) each picked up one but they strug­gled to re­strict Pow­er­gen, who thus far this sea­son has a win and no re­sult.

In re­ply, Play­ers SC fell way short of the tar­get, 142/8 in their 40 overs.

Saman­tha Bis­soon ran through the bat­ting line-up pick­ing up 4-30. Get­ting in on the ac­tion was Jes­si­ca O'Rosco with 2-31 while Kim­ber­ly John claimed 1-15.

Mo­hammed was the best with the bat for the los­ing side, scor­ing an un­beat­en half-cen­tu­ry (58 not out) while Ramkissoon put up 19.

Mean­while, at the Uni­ver­si­ty of West In­dies (UWI) South Field in St Au­gus­tine, UWI Women Crick­et Club (WCC) beat Hi­bis­cus Ladies by 10 wick­ets to com­plete its third straight win in the TTWCA league.

Hi­bis­cus Ladies, bat­ting first, scored a mea­gre 65 in 26.5 overs. The bowl­ing re­spon­si­bil­i­ty was shared among Rose­mary Sama­roo (2-4), Ka­ma­ra Ra­goo­bar (2-5) and Shali­ni Sama­roo (2-9), who each took two wick­ets.

In re­ply, Re­niece Boyce (32 not out) and Ra­goo­bar (20 not out) got UWI WCC to the win­ning tar­get of 67 with­out loss in 11.4 overs.

In the oth­er match in the di­vi­sion, played at Bug­gy Haynes Ground, Tacarigua, Tech­no­rats earned its first win of the sea­son. Led by the bat­ting of Kir­by­i­na Alexan­der (45) and Tr­isha Mar­quis (37), Tech­nocrats topped AC Women by 138 runs.

Mar­quis (3-8) then picked up the ball and, along with Di­anne Has­s­ranah (3-22), took three wick­ets each in the lop­sided af­fair.

In the Cham­pi­onship Di­vi­sion (30-Over League), Sital Young­sters sealed their third con­sec­u­tive win af­ter de­feat­ing Crick­et Lovers by 67 runs at the Young­sters Recre­ation Ground, Pan­cham Street, Fe­lic­i­ty.

At the Ex­change Recre­ation Ground in Cou­va, North Zone beat Moses Lendore Crick­et Acad­e­my (ML­CA) by six wick­ets, while at the Daren Gan­ga Recre­ation Ground in Bar­rack­pore, Vic­to­ria Crick­et Club (CC) won by 78 runs against Bren­da Solozano Crick­et Acad­e­my (BSCA).

Sum­marised scores

Pre­mier­ship Di­vi­sion (50-Over League)

At Pow­er­gen Sports Ground: POW­ER­GEN WOMEN 318/5 (40 overs) (Brit­ney Coop­er 110 not out, Sha­nia Ab­doool 63, Ca­niesha Isaac 54, Sher­ine Ramkissoon 2-50, Na­dia Mo­hammed 1-65, Shani­ka Lal­loo 1-71) vs PLAY­ERS SC 142-8 (40 overs) (N Mo­hammed 58 not out, S Ramkissoon 19; Saman­tha Bis­soon 4-30, Jes­si­ca O'Rosco 2-31, Kim­ber­ly John 1-15). Pow­er­gen Women won by 176 runs.

At UWI South Field: HI­BIS­CUS LADIES 65 (26.5 overs) (Jes­si­ca Wed­der­burn 17; Rose­mary Sama­roo 2-4, Ka­ma­ra Ra­goo­bar 2-5, Shali­ni Sama­roo 2-9) vs UWI WCC 67/0 (11.4 overs) (Re­niece Boyce 32 not out, K Ra­goo­bar 20 not out; Sameera Naidoo 0-8, Za­heera Mo­hit 0-9, Sian Ram­nar­ine 0-14). UWI WCC won by 10 wick­ets.

At Bug­gy Haynes Ground: TECH­NOCRATS 202/8 (42 OVERS) (Kir­by­i­na Alexan­der 45, Tr­isha Mar­quis 37, Shenel­lah Celetin 30 not out; Par­ba­tee Ram­per­sad 2-12, Jan­nah Mohmmed 1-10, Arinel­la De­onar­ine 1-11) vs AC WOMEN 64/10 (27.5 overs) (Kristi­na Naipaul 13 not out; T Mar­quis 3-8, Di­anne Has­s­ranah 3-22, Kir­by­i­na Alexan­der 1-5). Tech­nocrats won by 138 runs.

Cham­pi­onship Di­vi­sion (30-Over League)

At Ex­change Recre­ation Ground: ML­CA 85/6 (15 overs) (Abena Nes­bitt 13; Te­jal Ram­se­wa 3-17, Ais­hani Ram­se­wak 2-14, Jes­si­ca Davis 1-7) vs NORTH ZONE 89/4 (10.3 overs) (Sarah Sa­ha­dath 10; Sha­nia Far­rell 1-5, Make­ba Buntin 1-13, Lau­ralee Bas­deo 1-15). North Zone won by 6 wick­ets.

At Young­sters Recre­ation Ground: SITAL YOUNG­STERS 196/8 (24 overs) (Crys­tal Hanslal 60, Rona Ra­jku­mar 36, Nee­ta Bood­hai 24; Amy Hold­er 2-38, Aman­da Ram­paul 1-25, Pauline Dufeal 1-37) vs CRICK­ET LOVERS 129/8 (21.1 overs) (Sha­nia Au­gus­tus 62, Jane­ba Charles 15; Zaara Bhi­ki 3-24, C Hanslal 2-19, Saman­tha Ram­goolam 2-29). Sital Young­sters won by 67 runs.

At Daren Gan­ga Recre­ation Ground: VIC­TO­RIA CC 157/7 (25 overs) (Chelsey Sookhram 31, Hadas­sa Ros­tant 23 not out, Abi­gail Boodoo 21; Aris­sa Sama­roo 2-25, Ara­bel­la Phillip 2-27, An­nal­isa Manoo 1-19) vs BSCA 79 (22.2 overs) (Bren­da Solozano 18; Shan­ta Roopchan 3-13, C Sookhram 2-15, A Boodoo 2-15. Vic­to­ria CC won by 78 runs.

Sun­day's match­es

Tech­nocrats vs Cal­dracs Achiev­ers, Cal­dracs Ground, Car­li­for­nia.

Hi­bis­cus Ladies vs AC Women, Grandville Recre­ation Ground.

Pow­er­gen Women vs UWI WCC, UWI South Field.

Cham­pi­onship Di­vi­sion (12 pm)

BSCA vs Sital Young­sters, Brazil Recre­ation Ground.

Crick­et Lovers vs ML­CA, Dins­ley Ground Tagarigua

North Zone vs Vic­to­ria CC, Bri­an Lara Recre­ation Ground, Sam Bou­card Rd, San­ta Cruz

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