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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Cougars impress at Bajan Relay Fair


2233 days ago
Members of Cougars Track and Field Club, who dominated the Barbados Relay Fair at the National Stadium in St Michael on Saturday.

Members of Cougars Track and Field Club, who dominated the Barbados Relay Fair at the National Stadium in St Michael on Saturday.

Cougars Track and Field club made a tri­umphant re­turn to Bar­ba­dos last Sat­ur­day when it dom­i­nat­ed the Bar­ba­dos Re­lay Fair which was staged at the Na­tion­al Sta­di­um in St Michael.

The eight-time Ju­ve­nile cham­pi­on and last sea­son's Ju­nior win­ner of T&T let its Ba­jan coun­ter­parts know that Car­ni­val was in the air, as they brought the fes­tiv­i­ties all the way to their Caribbean neigh­bours, “pranc­ing and palanc­ing” over the com­pe­ti­tion. There was no stop­ping Cougars who led from the first event to the last, win­ning the ma­jor­i­ty of the boys’ and girls cat­e­gories and the Cham­pi­onship tro­phy in the process.

Cougars head coach Abe­y­ola Akowe com­ment­ed on the suc­cess of the team say­ing, “This was a great vic­to­ry. They per­formed like true cham­pi­ons. You can feel noth­ing but pride for the young ath­letes and this will on­ly spur them on to bet­ter as the sea­son pro­gress­es. We be­ing the cham­pi­on lo­cal club must car­ry the na­tion­al flag with pride and win­ning an in­ter­na­tion­al meet as we did, is worth savour­ing. I am very hap­py for the club, the ath­letes and T&T, we made every­one proud.”

On their fourth ap­pear­ance in “Bimshire”, Cougars did not dis­ap­point, im­press­ing with their ac­cu­rate ba­ton pass­es and the pa­trons loved it. The young­sters' par­ents and sup­port­ers got in­to the ac­tion from the first event, cel­e­brat­ing by singing Swap­pi’s 2019 con­tri­bu­tion, "The Par­ty Start".

The com­bi­na­tion of Shan­non Joseph, Chel­sy Charles, J’nae Bertete and Naima Julius proved too good for their ri­vals giv­ing the Cougars club its first win in the Un­der-11 Girls 1,000 me­tres sprint med­ley. How­ev­er, the U-11 Boys fin­ished sec­ond to Sty Cypri­an’s Boys School in their ver­sion of the race.

In the third event, Ris­ing Stars of Bar­ba­dos beat the U-13 Girls in their 1,000m sprint med­ley be­fore the Elite Dis­tance pro­gramme did the same to the U-13 boy's team.

The Cougars “Dream Teams”, the U-15 Boys and Girls, as they are called by coach Kelvin Nan­coo, showed why their coach had such con­fi­dence in them by win­ning as they pleased.

The com­bi­na­tion of Make­da Ed­wards, Shaki­ra Joseph, Jani­ka "Hulk" Jor­dan and Kayleigh Forde were un­beat­able while the boys' team of Tyrell Springer, Kaiyin Mor­ris, Jor­dan Noel and Ta­fari Wal­dron, al­so proved to be un­stop­pable when they ran out an im­pres­sive win­ner of the 1,600 me­tres sprint med­ley.

Cougars U-17 Girls im­pressed in tak­ing the 1,600 me­tres sprint med­ley from the Elite Dis­tance. How­ev­er, the Elite Dis­tance team gained its re­venge on Cougars when their girls' team edged the cham­pi­on in the Girls U-20 1,600m sprint med­ley.

In the 4x100m re­lays, Cougars proved too dom­i­nant with their ac­cu­rate ba­ton pass­es as well, win­ning both the U-11 boys and girls events. Comber­mere School then edged Cougars in the U-13 Girls 4x100m event but the U-13 boys put the vis­i­tors back on track. The U-15 team had the stands singing the Na­dia Bat­son hit "So Long", as the "Green Ma­chine" con­tin­ued to im­press.

The U-15 boys went un­der in a pho­to-fin­ish to Al­leyne School, be­fore the Elite Dis­tance grabbed the U-17 Girls' 4 x 100m on the line from Cougars by two-hun­dredths of a sec­ond.

The U-20 girls set the record straight with an im­pres­sive vic­to­ry be­fore the U-20 Boys fin­ished run­ner-up to the Rac­ers Track Club.

Pan­de­mo­ni­um broke out at the Na­tion­al Sta­di­um when Cougar both U-11 team won the 4x200m events. The U-13 girls then fin­ished fourth be­hind Comber­mere School be­fore the boys stood up and slammed the Elite Dis­tance in their event.

Cougars’ con­tin­ued dom­i­nat­ing the event with wins in the U-15 events. Both events were won by more than three sec­onds.

Cougars main ri­val, the Elite Dis­tance, stopped the U-17 Girls in their track in the 4x400m event be­fore the U-17 boys were dis­qual­i­fied in their event.

Nan­coo said that the team had been train­ing for the past four months for the Re­lay Fair and have all in­ten­tions of re­turn­ing next year to de­fend its ti­tle.

“We had a won­der­ful prepa­ra­tion that end­ed with a two-day camp at the Hase­ly Craw­ford Sta­di­um and af­ter the train­ing there, I thought we were ready to do our­selves jus­tice,” said Nan­coo.

“I must com­mend the coach­es Abe­y­ola Akowe, Rawle Phillips and Ash­ton Gill for a tremen­dous job. Spe­cial com­men­da­tions are in or­der for Caliyah Wal­lace and Shani­qua Bas­combe and Nigel Forde along with Sta­cy An­drews for en­sur­ing that all was well with the en­tries and mak­ing sure that all our ath­letes were fo­cussed.

“This was re­al­ly a team ef­fort but some ath­letes de­serve spe­cial com­men­da­tion like, Savion Adams, J’nae Bertete, Natasha Fox, Karis­sa Kir­ton, Kayleigh Forde, Jani­ka Jor­dan, Leah Bertrand, An­drew Bra­vo and Jy’ll Roberts were sim­ply su­perb.

"I must thank the Na­tion­al Lot­ter­ies Con­trol Board and First Cit­i­zens Bank and my broth­er Ke­ston for their as­sis­tance to our club and en­sur­ing our suc­cess."

Cougars scored 113 points to win the girls' team ti­tle with Elite Dis­tance sec­ond on 80 points. In the boys' team com­pe­ti­tion, Cougars again ran away reg­is­ter­ing 103 points to near­est ri­val Ris­ing Stars 59.

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