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Friday, March 14, 2025

Dehring assumes position of chief executive officer


Sport Desk
38 days ago
Chris Dehring, centre, chats with CWI president Dr Kishore Shallow, second left, vice-president Azim Bassarath, left, and chief operating officer, Lynford Inverary during his first day on the job yesterday.

Chris Dehring, centre, chats with CWI president Dr Kishore Shallow, second left, vice-president Azim Bassarath, left, and chief operating officer, Lynford Inverary during his first day on the job yesterday.

CWI Media

ST JOHN’S, An­tigua—Chris Dehring be­gan his tenure as Crick­et West In­dies’ (CWI) chief ex­ec­u­tive of­fi­cer, Monday promis­ing to chart a new course for the re­gion­al in­sti­tu­tion.

Dehring was greet­ed at the CWI head­quar­ters at Coolidge Crick­et Ground (CCG) by its pres­i­dent Dr. Kishore Shal­low, vice-pres­i­dent Az­im Bas­sarath, and chief op­er­at­ing of­fi­cer, Lyn­ford In­ver­ary.

“West In­dies crick­et has al­ways been more than just a sport—it is a sym­bol of iden­ti­ty, re­silience, and ex­cel­lence that has unit­ed gen­er­a­tions across the re­gion,” Dehring said.

“I take on this role ful­ly aware of the weight of that lega­cy, but al­so with the con­vic­tion that we must not stand still. Progress re­quires both con­ti­nu­ity and change.

“My aim is to build on the foun­da­tion laid by those be­fore me while chart­ing a new course – one that em­braces mod­ern re­al­i­ties, reignites our com­pet­i­tive spir­it, and en­sures that West In­dies crick­et is not just re­mem­bered for its past, but cel­e­brat­ed for its fu­ture,” he added.

Mean­while, Dr Shal­low said Dehring’s ap­point­ment sig­naled “a new era for West In­dies crick­et”.

“The ap­point­ment of Chris Dehring as CEO is not just a change in lead­er­ship—it is the start of a new era for West In­dies crick­et. We rec­og­nize that the game is evolv­ing, and so must we.

“His vi­sion, ex­pe­ri­ence, un­der­stand­ing of the re­gion and deep-root­ed pas­sion for crick­et make him the right per­son to guide us through this pe­ri­od of trans­for­ma­tion, both on and off the field,” Dr Shal­low main­tained.

“The road ahead re­quires bold de­ci­sions, fresh per­spec­tives, and an un­shak­able be­lief in what West In­dies crick­et can be, and I am con­fi­dent that Chris will help steer us to­ward that fu­ture.” (CMC)

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