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Sunday, March 9, 2025

Yorke, Lara am­bas­sador­ship un­der re­vi­sion

Dwight Yorke Stadium into phase 3


Ryan Bachoo
2170 days ago
Renovations being undertaken at the Dwight Yorke Stadium in Bacolet, Tobago.

PROGRESS Renovations being undertaken at the Dwight Yorke Stadium in Bacolet, Tobago.

The Dwight Yorke Sta­di­um is now in­to phase three of its re­fur­bish­ment, with work­ing on­go­ing on the light­ing sys­tem, the PA sys­tem, the gyms, and the grounds. How­ev­er, Min­is­ter of Sport and Youth Af­fairs, Sham­fa Cud­joe, stopped short of giv­ing a date when the phase will be com­plet­ed.

She said at the post-cab­i­net press brief­ing which took place at the Diplo­mat­ic Cen­tre in St Ann's on Thurs­day, "As it re­lates to host­ing the ba­sic sport­ing ac­tiv­i­ties, Dwight Yorke [Sta­di­um] is ready, but I don’t want to tell peo­ple that they are just free to book Dwight Yorke [Sta­di­um] be­cause when we are ready to do the lights, Dwight Yorke [Sta­di­um] has to be closed for some days in or­der to fa­cil­i­tate the erec­tion of the lights."

Some events such as the Sec­ondary Schools Games and the Pri­ma­ry Schools Games have tak­en place at the fa­cil­i­ty over the last few weeks. The Fal­con Games is al­so ex­pect­ed to take place at the Dwight Yorke Sta­di­um in mid-April. Min­is­ter Cud­joe con­firmed the venue will con­tin­ue to re­main open for the while. "The on­ly time the fa­cil­i­ty will not be avail­able is when we get to the ac­tu­al in­stal­la­tion of the lights. Peo­ple won’t be able to use it at night," she said.

Mean­while, the foot­baller whom the sta­di­um is named in ho­n­our of, was al­so the top­ic of dis­cus­sion as it re­lates to his am­bas­sador­ship role, along with for­mer West In­dies cap­tain Bri­an Lara. Cud­joe con­firmed the pol­i­cy was re­vised when the gov­ern­ment came in­to of­fice. "When we came in­to gov­ern­ment, we met a num­ber of arrange­ments with dif­fer­ent ath­letes to be am­bas­sadors for T&T... some­thing new has to be worked out as to what are their du­ties and their re­port­ing func­tions," she said.

In the pre­vi­ous pol­i­cy, Yorke, who played 72 times for T&T on the foot­ball field, had a sep­a­rate arrange­ment with the To­ba­go House of As­sem­bly (THA) while Lara had a sep­a­rate arrange­ment with Trinidad as it re­lates to tourism and sport. Cud­joe con­firmed con­ver­sa­tions are be­ing held with Lara as it re­lates to re-es­tab­lish­ing these arrange­ments and the role he can play as it re­lates to tourism, sports de­vel­op­ment, and the to­tal par­tic­i­pa­tion in sport pro­gramme.

She said dis­cus­sions took place as re­cent­ly as Fri­day, March 1st, and will con­tin­ue when he re­turns from his trip to Dubai.

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