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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Five Rivers fall 6-3 in Tobago


Rachael Thompson-King
2290 days ago
Five Rivers' Jada Gaskin, centre, pounces onto a lose ball between Valencia defenders Nickie Crystal, left, and Aaliyah Wilson during the SSFL Girls InterCol East Zone final at St Augustine Secondary School ground, last week. Five Rivers, who won 5-1 then, went under to Signal Hill, 6-3 in the National Girls InterCol quarterfinal on Sunday in Mt Pleasant, Tobago.

Five Rivers' Jada Gaskin, centre, pounces onto a lose ball between Valencia defenders Nickie Crystal, left, and Aaliyah Wilson during the SSFL Girls InterCol East Zone final at St Augustine Secondary School ground, last week. Five Rivers, who won 5-1 then, went under to Signal Hill, 6-3 in the National Girls InterCol quarterfinal on Sunday in Mt Pleasant, Tobago.


De­r­isha Bris­tol and Ashante Camp­bell con­tin­ue to prove that they are vi­tal com­po­nents of the Sig­nal Hill Sec­ondary at­tack, help­ing their team reach the semi­fi­nals of the Shell/First Cit­i­zens Na­tion­al Girls In­ter­Col in the Sec­ondary Schools Foot­ball League.

The To­ba­go zon­al cham­pi­on bat­tled with Five Rivers Sec­ondary and fought to a com­fort­able 6-3 win in the quar­ter­fi­nal round at the Mt Pleas­ant ground in To­ba­go.

Bris­tol and Camp­bell shared the spot­light, net­ting a pair of goals each for Sig­nal Hill. Not to dis­count the ef­forts of its lead­ing scor­er for the sea­son, Ce­line Lo­raine and al­so the ac­cu­rate Gamelia Wal­dron, who scored one apiece in the win.

For Five Rivers, who fin­ished as run­ners-up in the league com­pe­ti­tion in its de­but sea­son the Girls Cham­pi­onships, Ja­da Gaskin pro­duced a dou­ble while Lu­ann Craig scored the oth­er item.

Sig­nal Hill ad­vances to the semi­fi­nals and will meet Tran­quil­i­ty, which al­so placed sec­ond in the North Zone com­pe­ti­tion, at the Lar­ry Gomes Sta­di­um in Mal­abar, Ari­ma on Thurs­day from 1.30 pm.

In the oth­er semi­fi­nal match-up down at the Man­nie Ramjohn Sta­di­um in Mara­bel­la that same day, Big Five and South Zone win­ner Pleas­antville Sec­ondary will face Cara­pichaima East. Kick­off is at 3.30 pm.

The win­ners will meet in the fi­nal next Tues­day (De­cem­ber 4).

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