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Sunday, March 2, 2025

Football For a Cause

Greenvale residents get Christmas gifts


2260 days ago
Greenvale resident Annette Gittens (seated at centre) with her granddaughter Shayanne, seated at left, along with Football For a Cause members  Dennis Lawrence, Nadine Khan, right, Shaun Fuentes, left, Richard Piper and Kyle Lequay, back, at the home of Gittens on Saturday.

Greenvale resident Annette Gittens (seated at centre) with her granddaughter Shayanne, seated at left, along with Football For a Cause members Dennis Lawrence, Nadine Khan, right, Shaun Fuentes, left, Richard Piper and Kyle Lequay, back, at the home of Gittens on Saturday.

Mem­bers of the Foot­ball For A Cause com­mit­tee which host­ed the re­cent char­i­ty foot­ball match for flood vic­tims at the Hase­ly Craw­ford Sta­di­um, Mu­cu­rapo paid a vis­it to res­i­dents in Green­vale and Orop­une on Sat­ur­day to present gro­cery and oth­er house­hold items to some fam­i­lies that were still re­cov­er­ing from the trag­ic flood­ing events of Oc­to­ber.

Na­tion­al Team head coach Den­nis Lawrence whose brain­child it was to stage the “Foot­ball for a Cause” match was joined by mem­bers as they made a sec­ond round of vis­its to the af­fect­ed fam­i­lies. Among the items al­so pre­sent­ed were re­frig­er­a­tors, stoves and beds.

One res­i­dent, wheel­chair-bound grand­moth­er An­nette Git­tens, ex­pressed her ela­tion up­on the ar­rival of the group on Sat­ur­day.

“Right now I am so elat­ed. I am hum­bled and I thank you all so much be­cause I got more than I ex­pect­ed. I know God is awe­some and I know that he al­ways gives. So when I got the call from Den­nis I said ‘what?’ and then I un­der­stood about Foot­ball for a Cause. Den­nis and Friends, you all have made my day and I thank you so much,” Git­tens said.

Re­call­ing the or­deal in Oc­to­ber, she added, “That was a jour­ney. At first, I thought what I am go­ing to do. Where I am go­ing to get the things from. We did get a $20,000 grant from the Gov­ern­ment and while it may not be enough, I still thanked God for it. But we need­ed a lot of stuff still. And then when you all called, I said ‘Lord I got all that I am pray­ing for’. I didn’t have a fridge, I didn’t have a stove and now I do. I didn’t have that much hope but I have faith in God.”

Git­ten’s grand­daugh­ter Shayanne has been at her side and was al­so grate­ful for the sup­port. “I’d nev­er been through any­thing like that so it was re­al­ly tir­ing and dif­fi­cult. That was the most fright­en­ing night of my life. We didn’t know what our next step would be. There were a lot of sleep­less nights and days be­cause we were not sure what to­mor­row would bring. But now we are com­ing along and we will hope­ful­ly get there.”

Git­tens is look­ing for­ward to a brighter hol­i­day than she would have an­tic­i­pat­ed a week ago. Among oth­er res­i­dents vis­it­ed on Sat­ur­day in­clud­ed Dwight Roach who is still un­able to move back in­to his home for the Christ­mas. Roach's ini­tial plea for as­sis­tance got the at­ten­tion of Lawrence who then ini­ti­at­ed pro­ceed­ings for the foot­ball event.

“Christ­mas is look­ing much bet­ter, I love to cook even though I am on a wheel­chair. I am a bad granny in the kitchen. Now I can bake my sweet­bread and I can drink cold juice. I am not ashamed to say I was drink­ing hot juice be­fore. The on­ly thing I told them I re­al­ly need­ed at first was an iron be­cause I need to iron my clothes to look pre­sentable. Thank you so much to Foot­ball for a Cause, Den­nis and Friends like Richard (Piper) and Na­dine (Khan), you all have re­al­ly come for­ward and done a great deal for us.”

Through the use of cash col­lect­ed from the event, ap­pli­ances were pur­chased and dis­trib­uted to homes in the af­fect­ed ar­eas. The or­gan­is­ers of Foot­ball For a Cause dis­trib­uted in sev­er­al of the af­fect­ed ar­eas in­clud­ing Green­vale, Con­go, San­gre Grande, As­cot, Kel­ly Vil­lage, Cou­va, Las Lo­mas, War­renville, Orop­une, El So­cor­ro and To­ba­go.

Foot­ball For a Cause wish­es to ex­tend its ap­pre­ci­a­tion to the fol­low­ing part­ners - Carib, NL­CB, Health­net Caribbean, De­fence Force Mas­ters, SM Jaleel, An­gos­tu­ra, Guardian Me­dia Lim­it­ed, 96.1 and Star 94.7 FM (TTRN), I95.5FM and Red 96.7, 107.1FM, WACK 901.1,Boom Cham­pi­ons 94.1, Flow Trinidad, Caribbean Lifestyle Com­mu­ni­ca­tions, TTFA, Sports and Games, Lounge 63, Trinidad and To­ba­go Olympic Com­mit­tee, Sportt, Jo­ma, Domi­no’s, Trinidad and To­ba­go Po­lice Ser­vice, Trinidad and To­ba­go Fire Ser­vice, Trinidad and To­ba­go De­fence Force, The Me­dia, All Play­ers, Sup­port Staff and Vol­un­teers.

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