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Friday, March 28, 2025

T&TEC sets eyes on 2011 Pro League



T&TEC foot­ball club has set a tar­get of 2011 to join the Dig­i­cel T&T Pro League. This was stat­ed by Pe­ter Mo­han, vice-pres­i­dent of the T&TEC Gen­er­al Sports Club and pres­i­dent of the T&TEC Foot­ball Club on Thurs­day. Last month the util­i­ty ser­vice provider–T&TEC sparked in­ter­est in join­ing the TT Pro League af­ter fin­ish­ing sec­ond in the 2009 bmo­bile Na­tion­al Su­per League. How­ev­er, af­ter weeks of fur­ther de­lib­er­a­tion be­fore the Jan­u­ary 30 dead­line date set by the Pro League for new ap­pli­cants, T&TEC pre­ferred to set 2011 as its new Pro League de­but date.

"When we join the Pro League, we want to be more than ready," said Mo­han. "The chair­man of T&TEC, Pro­fes­sor Clement Im­bert felt that we need­ed more prepa­ra­tion in the man­age­ment as­pect of the club. It's en­tire­ly dif­fer­ent man­ag­ing a team in the Su­per League and the Pro League. "So we have de­cid­ed to go back to the Su­per League and maybe look at a three year plan from 2011 which will give us suf­fi­cient time to have a bet­ter man­age­ment team in place."

Mo­han ex­plained there was a bit of dis­ap­point­ment ex­pressed by play­ers dur­ing the foot­ball club's meet­ing on Wednes­day morn­ing when they were in­formed of the club's de­ci­sion for 2010. "We have the play­ers with the right cal­i­bre for the Pro League lev­el," he said. "And of course they were a bit dis­ap­point­ed when we told them that we are not join­ing the Pro League this year. But we all have to un­der­stand that when T&TEC makes a de­ci­sion, it must be well struc­tured." Mo­han fur­ther added that with the busi­ness plan al­ready draft­ed and with a go ahead for 2011, T&TEC Foot­ball Club will def­i­nite­ly be a force in the T&T Pro League.

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