T&T Pro League's chief executive officer, Dexter Skeene, is "really excited" about the future of the Digicel Pro League, following a Board of Directors meeting on Tuesday. Skeene's proposal to change the playing days and league season was confirmed. At a previous Board meeting, the directors had agreed to the proposal (to change the league calendar and playing days) in principle but the matter was re-opened as some directors sought clarification on aspects of Skeene's plan.
The former national strike squad forward believes that the ability of the men at the top of local professional football to work together in pursuit of common objectives rather than self-interest augurs well for the sustainability and viability of the league. "It is up to me and the staff to implement and execute the new strategic marketing plans that will support the changes. I am passionate about the need for the League to be progressive in its approach to further developing the professional football industry. It has not been an easy battle thus far and as I shared with the directors the league has come too far to turn back now."
The new calendar will run between April 2010 to April 2011 for the upcoming season with Digicel Pro League Championship games being played on weekends. Skeene is confident the league will have a better marketing and player performance platform with the once a week games. "The current sponsors are looking forward to the new opportunities. An important success factor remains the League's access to football fields in the respective communities. In this respect we will continue to dialogue with the Sport Company as they are the ones with the mandate to build new and upgrade existing facilities."
Another critical success factor is the T&T Pro League clubs and players going into the communities and building relationships. "The change in playing days and season schedule in and of itself will fail if the other strategic actions are not completed. The clubs have to embrace the community building efforts, in addition to continuing to work at raising the standard of football to an even higher level. Many challenges, but it is a dawn of a new day in the mission that is professional football in T&T," said Skeene.