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Friday, February 28, 2025

Latas: T&T heading in right direction



So­ca War­riors coach Rus­sell Lat­apy said the team is head­ing in the right di­rec­tion de­spite a 1-0 loss to Ja­maica Reg­gae Boyz in its friend­ly in­ter­na­tion­al at the Na­tion­al Sta­di­um, Kingston, Ja­maica on Sun­day night.

The vic­to­ry was the 17th for the Ja­maicans over T&T in 34 in­ter­na­tion­als. The So­ca War­riors have won sev­en with the ten oth­er match­es end­ing in drawn re­sults.

Speak­ing af­ter the match, Lat­apy said: "I was a lot hap­pi­er with tonight's (Sun­day) game more than when we played in T&T."It was a dif­fer­ent play­ing per­son­nel but it was al­so a bet­ter per­for­mance from us. Our goal is the Dig­i­cel Cup and it's a process."Hope­ful­ly we can be fine tuned by the time that comes around. On the per­for­mance tonight, I'm think­ing that we are head­ing in the right di­rec­tion."

"We had some good per­for­mances from a cou­ple of the younger play­ers which was pleas­ing and hope­ful­ly we can con­tin­ue along in this way."We knew that com­ing to Ja­maica is al­ways dif­fi­cult but I don't think we were over­awed by their home record or home ad­van­tage.

"It's dif­fi­cult for any vis­it­ing team to win over Ja­maica at home based on the records and un­for­tu­nate­ly we didn't change that tonight but I thought we had a good go at them and when we meet again pos­si­bly in the Dig­i­cel Cup, things could turn out dif­fer­ent­ly for us."

Lat­apy con­tin­ued: "In foot­ball you al­ways need to score more goals that our op­po­nents.

"We missed a few scor­ing op­por­tu­ni­ties and hope­ful­ly our fit­ness, fin­ish­ing and tac­ti­cal readi­ness will be where we want it to be by the time the Dig­i­cel Cup comes around."I would much rather miss­ing the scor­ing? chances in a game like this than in the Caribbean Cup fi­nals."

The per­for­mance of vis­it­ing So­ca War­riors was al­so cred­it­ed by the Cap­tain Ho­race Bur­rell, Pres­i­dent of the Ja­maican Foot­ball Fed­er­a­tion."They have re­al­ly giv­en Ja­maica a very hard fight. One thing I can tell you and I can speak on be­half of the Caribbean Foot­ball Union is that Lat­apy's job should be safe," Bur­rell said as he re­ferred to com­ments made by Min­is­ter of Sports and Youth Af­fairs Anil Roberts who threw out a cou­ple chal­lenges to Lat­apy last month.

"Based on the per­for­mance here to­day (Sun­day) I am sure every­one in this au­di­ence will agree with me that?T&T team did put up a ster­ling per­for­mance and con­grat­u­la­tions for that," Bur­rell said in the post game me­dia con­fer­ence.

The lone goal in the match came off the boot of New York Red Bulls strik­er, Dane Richards from the penal­ty-spot in the 19th minute.

How­ev­er, it was the So­ca War­riors seek­ing to avenge a 3-1 home de­feat in mid-Au­gust who made the brighter start of the two teams with strik­er De­von Jorsling fierce left foot­ed from 35-yards forc­ing goal­keep­er Richard Mc Cal­lum in­to a save div­ing to his right in­side the first two min­utes of the match.

Strike part­ner Cor­nell Glen al­so had an ef­fort on goal in the tenth minute.At the end of the field, T&T cus­to­di­an Jan-Michael Williams was called in­to ac­tion two min­utes to fist away a left foot­ed spank­ing shot from winger Er­ic Ver­nan as Ja­maica be­gan to as­sert them­selves.

Sev­en min­utes lat­er, Ja­maica went ahead from the penal­ty-spot when Mex­i­can ref­er­ee Ar­man­do Archun­dia, who of­fi­ci­at­ed the 2010 World Cup third place match be­tween Ger­many and Uruguay, ad­judged Mar­vin Mor­gan was tripped over in the 18-yard box by de­fend­er Daniel Cyrus, who start­ed in cen­tral de­fence with debu­tant Yohance Mar­shall.

Richards, who had net­ted in the 3-1 win in Port-of-Spain then stepped to beat Williams low to his left to give the hosts the lead.


T&T: Jan-Michael Williams, Yohance Mar­shall, Jovin Jones, Daneil Cyrus (Julius James 85th), Kern Cu­pid (Hay­den Tin­to 78th), Trent Noel, Clyde Leon (capt) (Hugh­tun Hec­tor 68th), An­tho­ny Wolfe, Lester Pelti­er (Keon Daniel 46th) Cor­nell Glen, De­von Jorsling (Ja­mal Gay 78th).

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