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Friday, March 21, 2025

Former footballer McComie has passed


2298 days ago
Michael McComie for national goalkeeper and coach

Michael McComie for national goalkeeper and coach

Michael Mc Comie, the for­mer na­tion­al and St Au­gus­tine goal­keep­er is dead. He was 46.

It is un­der­stood that Mc Comie who last coached at the T&T Un­der-20 lev­el was bat­tling an ag­gres­sive brain tu­mour in his head and was rushed to the Mt Hope Med­ical Hos­pi­tal last night and was con­sid­ered to be brain dead.

Fam­i­ly mem­bers have con­firmed that Mc­Comie start­ed ex­pe­ri­enc­ing se­vere headaches on the week­end and was rushed to hos­pi­tal on Sun­day night.

He was slip­ping in and out of con­scious­ness un­til he be­came un­re­spon­sive.

Doc­tors per­formed emer­gency surgery on the tal­ent­ed T&T goalie yes­ter­day but he was pro­nounced dead last night.

Doc­tors who were as­sess­ing his con­di­tion told rel­a­tives and friends that Mc­Comie be­came brain and he passed dur­ing yes­ter­day af­ter­noon.

Hav­ing played for T&T from the Un­der -20 lev­el in the 1991 Un­der-20 World Cup among play­ers like Dwight Yorke, An­gus Eve and Jer­ren Nixon.

The for­mer stand­out goal­keep­er for St Au­gus­tine Sec­ondary, went on to play sev­er­al games with the T&T na­tion­al team in an era that in­volved Yorke, David Nakhid, Rus­sel Lat­apy, An­tho­ny Rougi­er and Sha­ka His­lop.

He al­so man­aged Joe Pub­lic FC, Mau Pau FC and Re­al Mara­cas.

An­gus Eve, the Na­pari­ma 2018 In­ter­col win­ning coach and a for­mer na­tion­al mid­field­er who played with Mc Comie on the na­tion­al team was close to tears when the news broke. Eve told Guardian Sports he had to al­low it to sink in first be­fore he could com­ment. He planned to make con­tact Mc Comie’s rel­a­tives last night on learn­ing of his med­ical con­di­tion.

Mean­while, the TTFA and the foot­ball fam­i­ly have been send­ing con­do­lences to the Mc­Comie fam­i­ly.

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