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Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Former T&T striker is new head coach of St Lucia senior men’s national team


Sports Desk
1037 days ago
Stern John, new coach of St Lucia senior men's national team.

Stern John, new coach of St Lucia senior men's national team.

CAS­TRIES, St Lu­cia – For­mer T&T strik­er Stern John has been ap­point­ed head coach of the St Lu­cia se­nior men’s na­tion­al foot­ball team. This was con­firmed by the St Lu­cia Foot­ball As­so­ci­a­tion on Sunday.

John, who has al­so served as the head coach for the An­guil­la men’s se­nior na­tion­al team, an as­sis­tant coach for his coun­try’s se­nior men’s team, and head coach of the T&T U-17 men’s team, said his aim would be to im­prove St Lu­cia’s per­for­mance in the sport.

“A new jour­ney be­gins this month and I be­lieve that with the right mind­set and with a prop­er, cal­cu­lat­ed ap­proach with the nec­es­sary sup­port, we can put St Lu­cia back on the foot­ball map in our re­gion,” he said.

“His­to­ry shows that this is­land has pro­duced some qual­i­ty play­ers in the past who have played pro­fes­sion­al foot­ball in Eu­rope in coun­tries such as Eng­land and Por­tu­gal. This is ev­i­dence that there are tal­ent­ed and ca­pa­ble play­ers in St Lu­cia’s foot­ball. It’s just to get that be­lief again among the play­ers and peo­ple of St Lu­cia again.

“The Pres­i­dent and the FA have a clear vi­sion of what they want to achieve and the di­rec­tion they want to take the foot­ball. I will give it my all to try and bring some lev­el of re­spect and sta­bil­i­ty to the Na­tion­al Team and hope­ful­ly some smiles to the peo­ple of St Lu­cia again,” John added.

His first or­der of busi­ness with be prepar­ing the team for its open­ing CON­CA­CAF Na­tions League en­counter away to Do­mini­ca on June 9 and at home to An­guil­la on June 12.

John, a for­mer stand­out play­er for T&T, ap­peared at the 2006 FI­FA World Cup fi­nals for the So­ca War­riors.

At club lev­el, John has won the T&T Pro­fes­sion­al League ti­tle with Cen­tral FC in 2017 and a year lat­er led the club to the win­ners row in Group B of the CON­CA­CAF Caribbean Club Cham­pi­onship Group stage, help­ing the team to ad­vance to the fi­nals where they placed fourth.

In 2016, as as­sis­tant coach, John helped to guide Cen­tral FC to the Caribbean Foot­ball Union Club Cham­pi­onship ti­tle.

As a play­er, he amassed 70 goals in 115 in­ter­na­tion­al ap­pear­ances for his coun­try and is cur­rent­ly 18th on the list of lead­ing goal scor­er in in­ter­na­tion­al foot­ball.

John played in the Eng­lish Pre­mier­ship for Birm­ing­ham City, win­ning the club’s lead­ing goal scor­er award in 2003, and was al­so a mem­ber of sev­er­al oth­er clubs, in­clud­ing Not­ting­ham For­est, Sun­der­land, Crys­tal Palace, Der­by Coun­ty, Coven­try City, Southamp­ton and Bris­tol Rovers. He won an Eng­lish Cham­pi­onship Di­vi­sion win­ners medal with Sun­der­land in 2007

John won the Amer­i­can Ma­jor League Soc­cer (MLS) Top scor­er award in 1998, with 26 goals for Colum­bus Crew in 1998, al­so earn­ing se­lec­tion on the MLS All-Star team that year. CMC

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