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Friday, March 28, 2025

Goolie'128 helps Red Force take control


Vinode Mamchan
1841 days ago
Jyd Goolie, who scored  128 for Red Forde yesterday.

Jyd Goolie, who scored 128 for Red Forde yesterday.


With the na­tion’s at­ten­tion on the coro­n­avirus, the T&T Red Force crick­eters tried their ut­most to give their fans some­thing else to think about as they skit­tled out the Wind­wards for 173 in their first in­nings at the end of the sec­ond day of their West In­dies Cham­pi­onship match at the Bri­an Lara Crick­et Acad­e­my in Tarou­ba, San Fer­nan­do on Fri­day.

Af­ter all-rounder Jyd Goolie record­ed his first ton at the First Class lev­el to pro­pel T&T to 409 all out. Pac­er An­der­son Phillip took over to re­move four bats­men for 53 runs to lim­it the vis­i­tors to 173 all out. They lost nine wick­ets be­cause Kaveem Hodge was in­jured and could not take his po­si­tion in the line-up.

Sent in to fol­low-on Wind­wards closed the day on four with­out loss hav­ing to face six overs be­fore the close of play. When they re­sume to­day they would have to wipe out 232 runs be­fore T&T take to the crease to chase a tar­get.

The vet­er­an De­von Smith and plucky wick­et­keep­er Em­man­u­al Stew­art were the on­ly bats­men to show fight as Red Force had them tot­ter­ing on 56 for three ear­ly in their re­sponse. The fact that they spent a day and a half in the blaz­ing sun showed as they looked tired in their ap­proach to their crick­et.

Smith, on the oth­er hand, showed his class at the re­gion­al game, record­ing his 63rd half-cen­tu­ry. He and the busy Stew­art record­ed 62 runs for the fourth wick­et that gave the vis­i­tors hope but when Smith left for 67 off 118 balls with six fours and two six­es, the end was near. Stew­art count­ed 30 runs off 49 balls with four sweet­ly timed bound­aries.

An­der­son who had a six-wick­et haul in the first in­nings of the last game against Bar­ba­dos was good again bowl­ing at pace and ac­cu­ra­cy to fin­ish with 4/53. The pro­lif­ic wick­et-tak­er Im­ran Khan added to his al­ready im­pres­sive bag by fin­ish­ing with 2/6, while Akeal Ho­sein nabbed 2/27.

Ear­li­er, T&T re­sumed on the overnight po­si­tion of 298/5 and de­spite the ear­ly loss of Khan, pushed on to an even­tu­al 409 all out. Khan re­sum­ing on the bed­time score of 80 just didn’t look the part and his de­fence was breached by Pre­ston Mc­Sween for 84. In the end, he faced 136 balls, hit­ting 11 fours. His part­ner­ship with Goolie was worth 160 runs for the sixth wick­et. It fell way short of the record sixth-wick­et part­ner­ship of 223 made by Richard de Souza and Char­lieville Davis in 1967.

Goolie looked pos­i­tive from ball one and was rode some luck as he was dropped in the slips on 93. He made good his for­tune as he pressed on to a maid­en First-Class cen­tu­ry much to the joy of his fam­i­ly who was the on­ly spec­ta­tors at the ground in the ear­ly morn­ing as fans stayed away due to the coro­n­avirus.

Wind­wards through bril­liant bowl­ing by Mc­Sween start­ed well and re­duced T&T to 345 for nine. Goolie was then joined by pac­er An­der­son Phillip who looked very pro­fi­cient with the bat. The two clout­ed 63 runs for the last wick­et. Goolie was the fi­nal wick­et to fall leav­ing for 128 off 206 balls with 16 fours and a six. An­der­son would have felt hard done re­main­ing short of his first half-cen­tu­ry, clos­ing on 36 not out. He faced 31 balls, strik­ing four fours and one six.


RED FORCE 409 (Jyd Goolie 128, Im­ran Khan 84, Kyle Hope 54, Ja­son Mo­hammed 45, An­der­son Phillip 36 not out; Pre­ston Mc­Sween 5-60, Ken­neth Dem­ber 3-125)

VOL­CA­NOES 173 (De­von Smith 67, Em­manuel Stew­art 30, Keron Cot­toy 28; An­der­son Phillip 4-53) and four with­out loss.

<Hur­ri­canes (260) vs Scor­pi­ons 413-4>

NORTH SOUND, An­tigua – Ja­maica Scor­pi­ons, re­ply­ing to Lee­ward Is­lands Hur­ri­canes’ first in­nings of 260, were 413 for four at the close on the sec­ond day of their eighth round match in the Re­gion­al Four-Day Cham­pi­onship at the Vi­vian Richards Crick­et Sta­di­um yes­ter­day.


HUR­RI­CANES 260 (Alzarri Joseph 89, Je­re­mi­ah Louis 75, Jah­mar Hamil­ton 40; Mar­quino Mind­ley 5-65, Der­val Green 4-84)

SCOR­PI­ONS 413 for four (Jer­maine Black­wood 196 not out, John Camp­bell 105 not out, Nkrumah Bon­ner 48)

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