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Friday, March 14, 2025

Hadad did not budget for players’ stipend


Walter Alibey
1419 days ago
Chairman of FIFA Normalisation Committee, businessman Robert Hadad.

Chairman of FIFA Normalisation Committee, businessman Robert Hadad.

No stipends will be af­ford­ed to lo­cal play­ers cur­rent­ly in train­ing with the na­tion­al team un­der coach Ter­ry Fen­wick and man­ag­er Adri­an Ro­main.

Pro­vi­sions were not made for this in the bud­get sub­mit­ted to foot­ball’s world gov­ern­ing body-FI­FA by the Nor­mal­i­sa­tion Com­mit­tee, be­ing chaired by busi­ness­man Robert Hadad.

This was one of many is­sues raised by Com­mis­sion­er of Po­lice Gary Grif­fith some time ago, as he blamed the FI­FA-ap­point­ed nor­mal­i­sa­tion com­mit­tee for the state of af­fairs of the team cur­rent­ly.

Grif­fith had said that lo­cal play­ers were not even be­ing giv­en a stipend.

How­ev­er, Hadad in an in­ter­view some time ago, sought to clear the air on this by ex­plain­ing if he pro­vides fund­ing for the play­ers it will be set­ting a dan­ger­ous prece­dent in the fu­ture. “We are not ob­lig­at­ed to pay any­body a stipend, num­ber one. Num­ber two, There are a few play­ers who have come to us and we have said to them that we’re not ob­lig­at­ed to pay a stipend. We have pre­sent­ed our bud­get to FI­FA for the year and it does not in­clude any­thing called a stipend.”

“So I am get­ting a lot of push-back on what this stipend thing is, and the prece­dent it would set for the fu­ture,” Hadad ex­plained.

Fen­wick’s train­ing squad com­pris­es more than 60 per­cent of young, new play­ers, most of whom are not at­tached to any clubs at this point in time.

Hadad said: “Re­mem­ber foot­ball is on­ly be­ing played like this, and a na­tion­al team is on­ly in train­ing be­cause there is no oth­er foot­ball al­lowed to be played. Once League starts back, whether it’s the Pro League, Su­per League or As­cen­sion League, all these play­ers that Ter­ry is sup­pos­ed­ly train­ing, should move on to play for their clubs, and at that point, they would get their salaries. In the now, in the sit­u­a­tion, we have been pre­sent­ed with, I have a bud­get and I have pre­sent­ed my bud­get to FI­FA. My bud­get has been ap­proved by FI­FA, but it does not in­clude stipend, so I am not go­ing to make promis­es to them that I can­not keep.”

Foot­ball in T&T has en­dured its rough­est time to date, with of­fi­cials from Ue­fa, FI­FA and CON­CA­CAF pro­vid­ing in­put in a ma­jor re­struc­tur­ing ex­er­cise in 2019. And though no progress was made, the sport was fur­ther hit hard by the out­break of the coro­n­avirus (COVID-19) pan­dem­ic which brought sports gen­er­al­ly to a stop across the na­tion.

The T&T team be­gan its cam­paign suc­cess­ful­ly against Guyana on March 25 with a more-than-con­vinc­ing 3-0 vic­to­ry in the Do­mini­can Re­pub­lic. The So­ca War­riors, as they are af­fec­tion­ate­ly called fol­lowed that re­sult up with a 1-1 tie with Puer­to Ri­co ion Mayaguez, a re­sult that placed them in sec­ond po­si­tion in Group F with four points.

The group is be­ing led by St Kitts/Nevis who has an un­blem­ished record of two wins from as many games. The oth­er team in the group is the Ba­hamas who are bot­tom of the ta­ble with­out a win or a draw to their name.

T&T are sched­uled to play against the Ba­hami­ans and St Kitts/Nevis in their next two match­es on June 5 and June 8 re­spec­tive­ly.

On­ly re­cent­ly mid­field­er Du­ane Muck­ette said four points out of six was not bad at all, but they live and they have more games ahead to make amends.

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