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Friday, March 7, 2025

Headlines made in Royal Colours Classic


2224 days ago
Three-year-old John O’Brien trained Making Headlines with jockey Kerron Khelawan speeding towards the winning pole to win Race 8, the Royal Colours Classic  (Gr 111 R) at Santa Rosa Park, Arima, yesterday .

Three-year-old John O’Brien trained Making Headlines with jockey Kerron Khelawan speeding towards the winning pole to win Race 8, the Royal Colours Classic (Gr 111 R) at Santa Rosa Park, Arima, yesterday .


The apt­ly named three-year-old colt Mak­ing Head­lines burst in­to the "Clas­sic Pic­ture" when he bolt­ed home by 12 3/4 lengths in the fea­ture Grade III - Roy­al Colours Clas­sic for na­tive bred three-year-olds over 1,350 me­tres at San­ta Rosa Park in Ari­ma.

The John O'Brien trained thor­ough­bred has been beat­en by Ear­ly Bird in both his starts as a ju­ve­nile but yes­ter­day showed that he has trained on as a three-year-old and won like a "Triple Crown" horse.

Pun­ters made Ear­ly Bird, which was part­nered by Ri­co Her­nan­dez, the even-mon­ey favourite. How­ev­er, the Ruthven Smith owned Mak­ing Head­lines was very well sup­port­ed at 7/5 in the bet­ting.

When the starter sent the 12-horse field on their way, Cloud Dancer was the first to show from new­com­er Leonar­do Prayer with Ear­ly Bird and Cool Cat track­ing along with Mon Cheri. The sec­ond favourite Mak­ing Head­lines was slow­ly away and was in the tenth po­si­tion, some 15 lengths off the lead­ers.

Go­ing down the back-stretch, Prayer took up the run­ning from Cloud Dancer with Ear­ly Bird still in touch as Mon Cheri made a move on the in­side to get clos­er as Cool Dancer stayed in the hunt as Mak­ing Head­lines be­gan to get clos­er to the lead­ers.

Com­ing to the cor­ner, Mon Cheri sneaked in­to the lead on the in­side of Prayer which trav­elled well for his first run in pub­lic as Ear­ly Bid and Cool Cat stayed in touch with Mak­ing Head­lines com­ing with a bold bid on the out­side of the field.

As the hors­es swung for home, Ker­ron Khelawan's mount Mak­ing Head­lines swept in­to the lead and that was the end on the event, as he strolled clear in style just as sire Head­line News did years ago.

The win­ning dis­tance clear­ly showed that he is a horse go­ing places as he reg­is­tered the time of 1:22.09 which was a full sec­ond faster than that which was record­ed by both Shes So Spec­tac­u­la and Re­gal In­ten­sion on Box­ing Day, last year.

Ear­ly Bird stayed on for sec­ond with Cool Cat giv­ing O'Brien a one-two-three in the fea­ture. This gave O'Brien his fifth win in the event in the past six years and a dou­ble this year, as he pro­vid­ed the win­ner in 2018, Princess Sophia.

O'Brien now has the top two three-year-olds in his sta­ble in Shes­So Spec­tac­u­la and Mak­ing Head­lines.

The high­ly re­gard­ed Glenn Mendez trained Spoke In Yuh Wheel dis­ap­point­ed in the Mod­i­fied Bench­mark Hand­i­cap for three-year-olds go­ing over a dis­tance of 1,200 me­tres. He was sent off as the odds-on favourite but could not match the speed of sta­ble­mate Sky­lar which made a win­ning one for ap­pren­tice Sven Bal­roop. Lead­ing La­dy showed that she is re­turn­ing to form with a cred­itable third. The win­ner's time was a good 1:11.62.

The day's rid­ing ho­n­ours fell to ap­pren­tice An­drew Poon who rode two win­ners in Li­on's Por­tion and Blaz­ing Gem. No train­er was able to sad­dle two win­ners.

Rac­ing con­tin­ues next week at the cen­tralised venue.

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