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Sunday, March 2, 2025

La Forest's Real West Fort coming strong


Walter Alibey
1705 days ago
Coach Ron La Forrest, second from right, during a training session for his new team Real West Fort United,which will contest the second tier of the Ascension Invitational Football League.

Coach Ron La Forrest, second from right, during a training session for his new team Real West Fort United,which will contest the second tier of the Ascension Invitational Football League.

Photo courtesy Ron La Forrest

In 10 years new foot­ball club Re­al West Fort Unit­ed will be one of the top clubs in the Caribbean Foot­ball Union (CFU) as well as in the Con­fed­er­a­tion of North, Cen­tral Amer­i­ca and the Caribbean, for­mer na­tion­al strik­er and coach Ron La For­rest has said.

La For­est who is known pop­u­lar­ly as 'the Pro­fes­sor' by the clubs he has coached lo­cal­ly, un­veiled his club 'Re­al West Fort' to the pub­lic at a press launch on Tues­day at the Diego Mar­tin Sports Com­plex, a club made up on­ly of play­ers from west Trinidad, such as Mar­aval, Diego Mar­tin, Pe­tit Val­ley, Point Cumana, Care­nage, L'Anse Mi­tan and Co­corite, among oth­er ar­eas.

The club will con­test the sec­ond tier of the As­cen­sion In­vi­ta­tion­al Foot­ball League which is sched­uled to kick-off at the end of the month (Ju­ly). La For­rest said his in­ter­est al­so is to tack­le the top flight T&T Pro League or what­ev­er the coun­try's top league will be called, with a spe­cial fo­cus on de­vel­op­ing and mar­ket­ing lo­cal tal­ent.

De­spite the launch, the club is still in the process of ty­ing up loose ends such as be­ing legal­ly reg­is­tered, open­ing its bank ac­count, draft­ing of its con­sti­tu­tion.

Ac­cord­ing to La For­rest, they have al­ready iden­ti­fied two po­ten­tial spon­sors for his team who they are cur­rent­ly in talks with, and he wants more cor­po­rate cit­i­zens to sup­port their ges­ture of de­vel­op­ment of the youth and hav­ing a com­pet­i­tive team from west Trinidad in the coun­try's top-flight leagues.

With lit­tle or no big-name play­ers in their camp, La For­rest said he will con­tin­ue what he has been dop­ing for many years, which is to de­vel­op a team to pre­vail in any tour­na­ment he en­ters. The team be­gan prepa­ra­tion soon af­ter Tues­day's launch with more than 20 play­ers un­der La For­rest's watch.

La For­rest said he is aware of the en­vi­ron­ment his team will be com­pet­ing in, one that re­quires fund­ing and ex­pe­ri­ence on the field. But while these ar­eas are be­ing worked on. Ac­cord­ing to La For­rest: "The club's ma­jor strength is the ex­pe­ri­ence, pas­sion and fo­cus of the Board of Di­rec­tors to set up a foot­ball club that is sus­tain­able, com­mu­ni­ty-dri­ven and based that cre­ates last­ing so­cial change to use foot­ball as the ve­hi­cle."

"The re­gion the team rep­re­sents is a strong PNM area, our rep­re­sen­ta­tive is the for­mer Min­is­ter of Sports, the Min­is­ter of Fi­nance and the Prime Min­is­ter. The sta­di­um ear­marked to be our home ground - the Diego Mar­tin Sport­ing Com­plex is the largest sin­gle in­vest­ment in sport made by this PNM gov­ern­ment so we ex­pect a buy­ing in on the vi­sion of our club by the po­lit­i­cal pow­ers that be. The re­gions we rep­re­sent are hotbeds of gang ac­tiv­i­ties and crime, but the team is viewed as a ve­hi­cle to cre­ate change and break bor­der­lines."

"Many of the re­gions rep­re­sent­ed are low-in­come ar­eas but are mix with ar­eas of great wealth. The club will tru­ly be un­stop­pable if the af­flu­ent ones sup­port it. In our re­gion, al­though a lot of peo­ple gen­er­al­ly have ac­cess to tech­nol­o­gy, a high num­ber still de­pend on tra­di­tion­al means to get in­for­ma­tion and ac­cess ser­vices," La For­rest said.

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