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Sunday, February 23, 2025

Losing start for Pan Am beach vballers


Nigel Simon
2040 days ago

T&T men and women beach vol­ley­ball teams of Daynte Stew­art and Mar­lon Phillip, and Rheeza Grant and Ma­li­ka David­son were de­feat­ed in straight sets in their open­ing Pool B match on the first day of com­pe­ti­tion at the Li­ma 2019 Pan Amer­i­can Games at the Beach Vol­ley­ball Court, in Pe­ru on Wednes­day.

The lo­cal women's team of Grant and David­son were first in ac­tion against USA's Karis­sa Cook and Jace Par­don, with the lat­ter eas­ing to vic­to­ry 21-9, 21-8 in 19 min­utes.

On Thurs­day, the T&T women will play their sec­ond match in the four-team round-robin pool against Colom­bians Yu­ly Ay­ala and Di­ana Rios from 12.30pm.

The Colom­bians were al­so losers in their open­er to Cos­ta Ri­cans Marcela Araya and Va­le­ri­na Va­len­ciano, 15-21, 14-21.

Cook and Par­don will clash with Araya and Va­len­ciano in a bat­tle of first-day win­ners al­so from 12.30 pm to­day while on Fri­day, Grant and David­son meet Araya and Va­len­ciano from 9.50am, and Cook and Par­don face Ay­ala and Rios.

Stew­art and Phillip al­so found the go­ing tough in their Pan Amer­i­can Games de­but, los­ing to Ar­gen­tines Nico­las Ca­pogrosso and Ju­lian Aza­ad, 15-21, 7-21 while USA's Ian Sat­ter­field and Mark Burik over­whelmed El Sal­vadore­ans David Var­gas and Car­los Es­co­bar, 21-12, 21-10.

Al­so, on Thurs­day, Stew­art and Phillip faces Sat­ter­field and Burik while Var­gas and Es­co­bar plays Ca­pogrosso and Aza­ad both at 2.10pm be­fore round-robin play ends to­mor­row (Fri­day) with Stew­art and Phillip bat­tling Con­ti­nen­tal ri­vals, Var­gas and Es­co­bar, and Sat­ter­field and Burik come up against Ca­pogrosso and Aza­ad from 11.30am.

Four years ago in Toron­to, Cana­da, T&T reg­is­tered its most suc­cess­ful show­ing ever at the Pan Amer­i­can Games

with three gold medals, three sil­ver and two bronze for eighth medals over­all, bet­ter­ing the per­for­mances of the 1967 (Win­nipeg), 1971 (Cali) and 2003 (San­to Domin­go) na­tion­al teams, which each man­aged sev­en.

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