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Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Care­nage Boy's in win­ner's row

Newtown Boy's RC snatches U-12 title


Rachael Thompson-King
2317 days ago

St Patrick's New­town Boys RC School dis­played an out­stand­ing per­for­mance to get the bet­ter of a de­ter­mined St John's Boys RC 2-1 in a thrilling Boys Un­der-12 fi­nal in Port-of-Spain and En­vi­rons Pri­ma­ry Schools Foot­ball League at the Hase­ly Craw­ford Sta­di­um in Mu­cu­rapo on Mon­day.

The Cen­tral Zone cham­pi­on went in­to the lead as ear­ly as the sev­enth minute af­ter Josan­ta Dun­can made a so­lo run up the right flank and fired away at the St John's cus­to­di­an who par­tial­ly blocked the shot on­ly for the ball to trick­le over the line. The West cham­pi­on fought back brave­ly and was re­ward­ed when the tal­ent­ed Hashim Pati­no equalised with a great goal in the 13th minute.

When ref­er­ee In­skip Car­ring­ton blew his whis­tle to sig­nal the end of the first half, the score was dead­locked at 1-1.

In the sec­ond ses­sion, New­town found re­newed en­er­gy and pressed St John's squan­der­ing a few chances be­fore the Diego Mar­tin-based out­fit showed its re­silience and had to be de­nied by the New­town goal-keep­er.

How­ev­er, New­town Boys had the last laugh and Jel­lani Ot­t­ley scored an ab­solute beau­ty with an over­head kick in the 30th minute to seal the deal for New­town Boys RC.

In the next match, St Barb's Gov­ern­ment drew first blood in the 23rd minute when Nkosi Rud­der scored from the penal­ty spot in the 23rd minute. But, that seemed to send the mes­sage to the Care­nage-based cham­pi­on which equalised through Jaden De Gannes in the 28th minute.

Af­ter the in­ter­val, the for­mer four-time na­tion­al cham­pi­on team Care­nage Boys Gov­ern­ment went in­to over­drive and De Gannes added an­oth­er three goals to car­ry his tal­ly to four over­all. Clint Latch­man added an­oth­er to give Care­nage Boys a com­mand­ing 5-1 vic­to­ry.

Care­nage Girls Gov­ern­ment, which won the best of three match­es se­ries against Mu­cu­rapo Girls RC, will rep­re­sent Port-of-Spain and En­vi­rons next week in the At­lantic Na­tion­al Pri­ma­ry School Cham­pi­onship which will be­gin at four venues in T&T, next week.

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