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Monday, February 24, 2025

Olympian Cedenio assisting his local club, community


Sports Desk
1769 days ago
T&T olympic quartermiler Machel Cedenio

T&T olympic quartermiler Machel Cedenio

With the coro­n­avirus (COVID-19) pan­dem­ic shut­ting down sports world­wide, sports­men and women are get­ting in­volved and as­sist­ing those who are in need. Many of T&T's top ath­letes have been as­sist­ing and Olympian and World Ju­niors 400 me­tres cham­pi­on Machel Ce­de­nio has joined the fray.

Ce­de­nio, who is based in Flori­da, USA, will be as­sist­ing his club Sim­plex Ath­let­ics Club and the Gas­par­il­lo com­mu­ni­ty by means of ham­pers. He has in­sured that all needy ath­letes from his club and com­mu­ni­ty will be giv­en some sup­port dur­ing this test­ing time.

When con­tact­ed by Guardian Me­dia Sports on Wednes­day, Gun­ness Per­sad, pres­i­dent of Sim­plex, who is the co-or­di­na­tor of this ac­tiv­i­ty said, "Machel has stat­ed that he would like to as­sist the needy ath­letes of our club and the needy in the Gas­par­il­lo com­mu­ni­ty. I am the per­son who is re­spon­si­ble for en­sur­ing that this ef­fort is a suc­cess and I know it will be as Machel has al­ways as­sist­ed the club and com­mu­ni­ty.

Ce­de­nio an­chored the T&T 4x400m re­lay team to vic­to­ry along with De­on Lendore, Jereem Richards and Asa Gue­vara to claim the gold medal out of lane four at the IAAF World Re­lays in Yoko­hama, Japan last year. A per­for­mance which earned the quar­tet the Lystra Lewis Award at the re­cent­ly held First Cit­i­zens Sports Foun­da­tion awards cer­e­mo­ny.

He said on Wednes­day, "Even though I am cur­rent­ly not in Trinidad, I have been keep­ing up to date via the news about what is tak­ing place lo­cal­ly. I re­al­ized that they would be many peo­ple who would be with­out an in­come and there­fore would be in need of some as­sis­tance. I de­cid­ed that I couldn’t just sit back and do noth­ing. I need­ed to ren­der some help with­in my run­ning com­mu­ni­ty and reached out to club Sim­plex and to al­so help those with­in my own com­mu­ni­ty dur­ing these dif­fi­cult times."

Ce­de­nio, the na­tion­al 400m record-hold­er, was very hap­py to as­sist his club and com­mu­ni­ty ac­cord­ing to Per­sad, who in­ti­mat­ed that the Olympic gold medal­list Ke­ston Bled­man, an­oth­er Flori­da-based ath­lete, will do the same for his com­mu­ni­ty of Clax­ton Bay, next week.

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