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Monday, February 17, 2025

Olympic champion Alfred to compete in 2025 Diamond League


Sport Desk
34 days ago
Julien Alfred of St Lucia.

Julien Alfred of St Lucia.

MONA­CO – Or­gan­is­ers of the Wan­da Di­a­mond League have an­nounced that Olympic 100m cham­pi­on Julien Al­fred will com­pete in the Bislett Games in Oslo and Bauhaus Galan in Stock­holm in 2025.

The 23-year-old Al­fred won gold and added a sil­ver in the 200 me­tres at the Paris Olympics, be­fore sweep­ing to the 100m se­ries ti­tle last year at the fi­nal in Brus­sels.

The St Lu­cian will be hop­ing to de­fend her Di­a­mond Tro­phy in 2025, with Oslo and Stock­holm pro­vid­ing two ear­ly op­por­tu­ni­ties to get points on the board on the road to this year’s fi­nal in Zurich.

Al­fred will com­pete at Bauhaus Galan in the Swedish cap­i­tal on June 12, be­fore tak­ing the train with fel­low ath­letes across the bor­der to Nor­way for the Bislett Games on June 15.

“Vis­it­ing the Scan­di­na­vian coun­tries is one of my dreams. I look for­ward to feel­ing the hos­pi­tal­i­ty from the Scan­di­na­vian spec­ta­tors and hope to live up to the stan­dard of these two meet­ings and to give them a mem­o­rable per­for­mance,” Al­fred said.

She added that Di­a­mond League ap­pear­ances against the world’s best ath­letes would be cru­cial as she sets her sights on a first out­door world ti­tle at the World Ath­let­ics Cham­pi­onships in Tokyo in Sep­tem­ber.

“The up­com­ing Di­a­mond League sea­son is very im­por­tant, be­cause I won’t be hav­ing any tri­als for the World Cham­pi­onships. So, I hope these races put me clos­er to my goals for Japan,” Al­fred said.


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