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Tuesday, February 25, 2025

New hock­ey turf by April

Pierre, Olton emerge top hockey players


2228 days ago
Defence Force’s Mickell Pierre, left, who was named the T&T Hockey Board (TTHB) "Sportsman of the Year" is with Kaitlyn Olton, who collected the women’s award for her sister Amy of Shandy Carib Magnolias and Douglas Comacho, president of the TTHB, at the board’s awards ceremony at the National Racquet Centre in Tacarigua, yesterday.

Defence Force’s Mickell Pierre, left, who was named the T&T Hockey Board (TTHB) "Sportsman of the Year" is with Kaitlyn Olton, who collected the women’s award for her sister Amy of Shandy Carib Magnolias and Douglas Comacho, president of the TTHB, at the board’s awards ceremony at the National Racquet Centre in Tacarigua, yesterday.

Mick­ell Pierre of De­fence Force and Amy Olton of Shandy Carib Mag­no­lias were vot­ed hock­ey's "Sports­man and woman of the Year" re­spec­tive­ly at the T&T Hock­ey Board (TTHB) awards cer­e­mo­ny at the Na­tion­al Rac­quet Cen­tre in Tacarigua, on Sat­ur­day.

Both were cho­sen in the top five men and women play­ers of the year af­ter lead­ing their teams to the ti­tles in the Cham­pi­onship Di­vi­sion Out­door League.

Apart from Pierre, the top five men play­ers al­so in­clud­ed Jor­dan Viera, Sha­keel Daniel, Michael O'Con­nor and Teague Mar­cano while among the women, Aman­da George from Ven­tures, Dana-Lee De­gannes, Saman­tha Olton and Ter­isa Leza­ma joined Amy as the top women's play­ers for last sea­son.

Team Paragon took home the Na­tion­al In­door Knock­out ti­tles for men and women, as well as the Men's Open Di­vi­sion third place tro­phy. The Open Di­vi­sion men ti­tle was tak­en by Queen's Park Crick­et Club while Ven­tures se­cured the women's equiv­a­lent.

Dou­glas Ca­ma­cho, pres­i­dent of lo­cal hock­ey, had great news for the large gath­er­ing, shar­ing that hock­ey's wait for the resur­fac­ing of the Na­tion­al Hock­ey Cen­tre in Tacarigua is com­ing to an end.

Ca­ma­cho said, "The new turf could be laid down by April once there are no more hic­cups."

The fra­ter­ni­ty was made to wait for two years for the new turf to be pur­chased from Ger­man sup­pli­er Poly­tan, al­though monies had been set aside to buy it.

"The Sports Com­pa­ny of T&T fi­nal­ly trans­ferred the amount of mon­ey need­ed to start the project of ship­ping the as­tro­turf, lift­ing up the ex­ist­ing mat and re­plac­ing it with the new one," he said.

It is un­der­stood the en­tire process is cost­ing the gov­ern­ment $1,356,000 and that the fi­nal pay­ment is ex­pect­ed to be made when the turf has been put down.

Ca­ma­cho in his speech to scores of awardees said he is pre­dict­ing that as soon as the Car­ni­val sea­son ends, work on the sur­face will be­gin. How­ev­er the com­ple­tion of the project will de­pend on the weath­er con­di­tions, Ca­ma­cho said, not­ing that hot and dry con­di­tions are need­ed for the mat to be tak­en up and put down.

Mean­while, the old turf will not be dis­posed of, as the sport is set to ben­e­fit fur­ther from the for­ma­tion of two as­tro­turf pitch­es in To­ba­go and at the Po­lice Bar­racks in St James. Ca­ma­cho said his hock­ey board has al­ready held talks with Jo­mo Pitt, Sec­re­tary of Sport and Youth Af­fairs at the To­ba­go House of As­sem­bly and Com­mis­sion­er of Po­lice Gary Grif­fith for the old mat to be split in­to two and used to resur­face a fa­cil­i­ty in the sis­ter-isle, as well as the Po­lice Bar­racks for de­vel­op­ment pur­pos­es.

With the theme of yes­ter­day's func­tion, "Re­flec­tions of the Goalline", Ca­ma­cho at­tempt­ed to give an ac­count of hock­ey's his­to­ry and the suc­cess­es it has achieved to date.

He said, "The 1967 T&T team that won the Pan Amer­i­can Games sil­ver medal in Cana­da still re­mains one of the coun­try's great­est achieve­ments."

The TTHB has al­ready out­lined its itin­er­ary from now un­til 2022 and it in­cludes a bid to host the Pan Am Cup in 2021. If they are suc­cess­ful, fans may see both the men and women hock­ey teams against the best in the Pan Am re­gion.


Pri­ma­ry Schools (Girls): 1 Mu­cu­raopo Girls RC 'A', , 2 St John's Girls RC/Diego Mar­tin Girls RC, 3 Mu­cu­rapo Girls RC

Pri­ma­ry Schools (Boys): 1 Dun­ross Prepara­to­ry, 2 In­ter­na­tion­al School/Es­he's Learn­ing Cen­tre, 3 Diego Mar­tin Boys RC


Girls: 1 Holy Name Con­vent, 2 St Fran­cois Girls, 3 St Joseph Con­vent (POS)

Boys: 1 Fa­ti­ma Col­lege, 2nd St An­tho­ny's Col­lege, 3 St Mary's Col­lege


Girls: 1 Holy Name Con­vent, 2 St Joseph's Con­vent (POS), 3 South East Port-of-Spain

Boys: 1 Fa­ti­ma, 2 St Mary's, 3 St An­tho­ny's Col­lege


Open­ing Day win­ner Men De­fence Force

Open­ing Day win­ner Women - SC Mag­no­lias


Mixed Vets: 1 Malvern, 2 QPCC, 3 Fa­ti­ma

Most Goals- Raphael Govia (QPCC) 16 goals

Trin­i­ty Women: 1 Paragon, 2 Har­vard Check­ers, 3 Po­lice

Most Goals- Sha­nia Ga­jad­har (Paragon) 5 goals

Trin­i­ty Men: 1 Shape, 2 QPCC, 3 Malvern

Most Goals- Daniel Smith (Shape) 6 goals

Na­tion­al Out­doors: U-19 (Fe­male): 1 SC Mag­no­lia, 2 Paragon, 3 Raiders

Most Goals- Kait­lyn Olton (SC Mag­no­lia) 11 goals

U-19 Men: 1 Paragon, 2 Shape, 3 Carib

Most Goals- Kelon Skeritt (Paragon) 16 goals

Mixed Vets: 1 Fa­ti­ma, 2 QPCC, 3 De­fence Force

Most Goals - Melis­sa John­son (QPCC)- 11 goals

Trin­i­ty Di­vi­sion Women: 1 Notre Dame, 2 SC Mag­no­lia, 3 Po­lice

Most Goals- Rac­quel Dow­den (SC Mag­no­lia) - 3 goals


Trin­i­ty Di­vi­sion (Men): 1 Shape, 2 Carib, 3 Notre Dame

Most Goals - Shel­don De Lise (Shape) 14 goals

Open Di­vi­sion (Women): 1 Ven­tures, 2 Paragon, 3 SC Mag­no­lia

Most Goals - Arielle Williams, Brit­taney Singh, Aman­da George - 6 goals

Open Di­vi­sion (Men): 1 QPCC, 2 De­fence Force, 3 Paragon

Most Goals - Akim Tou­s­saint (Paragon) 13 goals

Na­tion­al In­door KO Se­ries (Men/Women): 1 Paragon


Cham­pi­onship Div (Women): 1 SC Mag­no­lia, 2 Malvern, 3 Har­vard Check­ers

Most Goals- Daniel­la Mar­tin (Malvern) 9 goals

Cham­pi­onship Div (Men): 1 De­fence Force, 2 Malvern, 3 Petrotrin,

Most Goals- Jer­ry Bell (QPCC) 10 goals

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