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Thursday, January 9, 2025

Price Club sponsors U-17 Interzone


Vinode Mamchan
1771 days ago
President of the TTCB Azim Bassarath is presented with a replica cheque for $200,000 from managing director of the Price Club Supermarket Shamshad Ali at the National Cricket Centre in Balmain, Couva, yesterday. Looking on at left is Sudesh Jaggessar, a member of the TTCB marketing committee, and Rajendra Mangalie, chairman of the TTCB marketing committee.

President of the TTCB Azim Bassarath is presented with a replica cheque for $200,000 from managing director of the Price Club Supermarket Shamshad Ali at the National Cricket Centre in Balmain, Couva, yesterday. Looking on at left is Sudesh Jaggessar, a member of the TTCB marketing committee, and Rajendra Mangalie, chairman of the TTCB marketing committee.

The Price Club Su­per­mar­ket has again thrown its sup­port be­hind the de­vel­op­ment of young crick­eters in this coun­try by spon­sor­ing the T&T Crick­et Board (TTCB) In­ter­zone Un­der-17 crick­et se­ries that will start on March 11 at venues across the coun­try.

The spon­sor­ship deal was an­nounced by the pres­i­dent of the TTCB Az­im Bas­sarath at the Na­tion­al Crick­et Cen­tre of­fice in Bal­main, Cou­va, yes­ter­day. The Price Club al­so spon­sored the U-15 North/South Clas­sic as well that was held re­cent­ly.

Bas­sarath said he was hap­py with the work of the mar­ket­ing and spon­sor­ship com­mit­tee head­ed by for­mer T&T crick­eter Ra­jen­dra Man­galie.

"The mar­ket­ing and spon­sor­ship com­mit­tee has been bril­liant in get­ting in­vestors to come on board T&T's crick­et at a dif­fi­cult time and we ap­plaud their work. This lat­est spon­sor­ship fol­lows a flur­ry of ini­tia­tives that have been tak­en re­cent­ly by the TTCB to de­vel­op lo­cal tal­ent.

"We will re­al­ly like to thank the Price Club and man­ag­ing di­rec­tor Shamshad Ali for the be­liev­ing in T&T's crick­et and the youths of the na­tion. It is through this kind of spon­sor­ship that sev­er­al young men will be able to hit the play­ing field from next week, look­ing to ad­vance their ca­reers."

Bas­sarath said that in re­cent times there have been many com­pa­nies com­ing on board to as­sist in the de­vel­op­ment of crick­et, name­ly Sco­tia­bank and Ko­tash En­ter­pris­es to name a few. The TTCB In­ter­zone tour­na­ment be­gins next week and in­volves North Zone, East Zone, To­ba­go, North East Zone, South Zone, South East Zone, Cen­tral and South West Zone.

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