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Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Richards turns table on Greaux


Sports Desk
2039 days ago

Com­mon­wealth Games 200 me­tres cham­pi­on Jereem Richards got a con­fi­dence boost­er ahead of the Pan Amer­i­can Games track and field pro­gramme next week af­ter he won the men's 200 me­tres ti­tle at the NGC/NAAAT Open Cham­pi­onships at the Hase­ly Craw­ford Sta­di­um, Mu­cu­rapo on Sun­day.

Richards used the op­por­tu­ni­ty to turn the ta­bles on his club-mate Kyle Greaux, who de­feat­ed him to win the ti­tle at last year's event.

From the off Greaux was at the head of af­fairs with Richards breath­ing down his neck as Ron­dell Sor­ril­lo drawn in lane eight tried to keep pace along­side Akan­ni His­lop.

Com­ing to the cor­ner in the half-lap event Greaux still held sway but Richards put in an­oth­er gear at the 80 me­tres mark and edged past his main ri­vals. They bat­tle for an­oth­er 20 me­tres be­fore Richards just pulled away to stop the clock at 20.14 sec­onds to de­ny Greaux, who fin­ished sec­ond in 20.18 sec­onds. Young His­lop took the bronze away from Ron­dell Sor­ril­lo with his time of 20.68 sec­onds.

Michelle Lee Ahye of Re­birth did not face the starter in the fi­nal af­ter cruis­ing home in the se­mi-fi­nal of the Women’s 200 me­tres event. Ahye was un­able to race in what was sus­pect­ed as a pre­cau­tion.

In the ti­tle run, it was Ka­maria Du­rant of Sim­plex Ath­let­ic Club, who cel­e­brat­ed as cham­pi­on af­ter she clocked 22.96 sec­onds for the dis­tance. Du­rant was third be­hind Ahye in the 100 me­tres event. Fol­low­ing her home in the half-lap run was the Point Fortin New Jets ath­lete Mauri­cia Pri­eto who se­cured the sil­ver medal with her 23.09 clock­ing, while un­at­tached ath­lete Se­moy Hack­ett fin­ished third. Her time was 23.32 sec­onds.

Ale­na Brooks of Mem­phis Pi­o­neer Ath­let­ic Club won the Women's 800 me­tres event af­ter she de­feat­ed Sade Sealy of Bar­ba­dos in a time of 2:04.80. Sealy's sil­ver medal run was 2:05.09 with Camile Lewis of Sil­ver Bul­lets third in the time of 2:13.62.

For­mer World 400 me­tres cham­pi­on Je­hue Gor­don of Mem­phis Pi­o­neers was back to his win­ning ways when cap­tured gold in men's 400 me­tres Hur­dles event. Je­hue won in the time of 51.08 sec­onds to beat club-mate Shin­no­suke Hase, who reg­is­tered the time of 51.57 sec­onds with George Chris­t­ian of UWI was third in 53.54 sec­onds.

Cleopa­tra Borel of Re­birth was again in win­ner’s row in the women’s Shot Put event as she over-pow­ered the tal­ent­ed Por­tious War­ren in­to sec­ond place. Borel reg­is­tered a dis­tance of 7.96 me­tres in her sec­ond of six at­tempts and even de­spite foul­ing three of them in the process.

War­ren threw the "iron ball" 16.71 me­tres. Young­ster Ian­na Roach of Mem­phis Pi­o­neers was third with her throw of 12.94 me­tres.

Garvin Framer won the Mas­ter 100 me­tres ti­tle im­pres­sive­ly when he clocked 11.94 sec­onds while hold­ing off Al­ick Con­nors of Spar­tans (12.48) sec­onds and Patrick Scott of the T&T De­fence Force who end­ed third in a time of 13.37 sec­onds.

Quin­cy Wil­son of Health Olympians re­turned to win­ning ways in the Men's Dis­cus. He threw 52.82 me­tres to be well clear of the UWI Fast Track chal­lenger Keon Fran­cis who threw 47.28 me­tres. The bronze medal was won by Clarenc Han­ni­bal of To­ba­go Fal­con with his throw of 44.85 me­tres.

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