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Friday, March 14, 2025

Rugby men, women leave for RAN


Walter Alibey
2080 days ago
Northerns' Mark Roberts pommels Harvards' Kyle Strachan during the Solomoon Hochoy Ruggerama Tournament at the Queen's Park Savannah. Northerns won 5-0 in sudden death.

Northerns' Mark Roberts pommels Harvards' Kyle Strachan during the Solomoon Hochoy Ruggerama Tournament at the Queen's Park Savannah. Northerns won 5-0 in sudden death.

Allan V. Crane

The re­main­der of T&T’s se­nior men and women’s teams will leave for the 2019 Rug­by Amer­i­c­as North (RAN) Sev­ens Tour­na­ment in the Cay­man Is­lands on Thurs­day. Half of the con­tin­gent left on Wednes­day.

The tour­na­ment this year will be a qual­i­fi­er for the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo, Japan.

The men, who are be­ing led by Leon Pan­tor, will at­tempt to earn a qual­i­fy­ing berth with­out the ser­vices of reg­u­lar coach Lar­ry Mendez, who is in the Unit­ed States on a coach­ing in­tern­ship pro­gramme. Mendez was re­placed by in­ter­im coach Fe­li­cian Guer­ra, who told the me­dia his team is hyped and rar­ing to go. Ac­cord­ing to Fe­li­cian, the play­ers have re­spond­ed well to his meth­ods and are ready to show all their prepa­ra­tion was not in vain.

Mean­while, the women’s team is coached by Carl­ton Fe­lix and will be led by Kath­leen Stephens. Fe­lix said in a re­lease on Tues­day that his charges are ready to show that their sec­ond-place fin­ish at the 2018 RAN Sev­ens com­pe­ti­tion and sub­se­quent qual­i­fi­ca­tion to the 2019 Pan Amer­i­can Games in Li­ma, Pe­ru, was no fluke.

He not­ed his team in­tends to go one bet­ter and win the tour­na­ment this year. T&T Rug­by Foot­ball Union (TTR­FU) pres­i­dent Col­in Pe­ters, who on Tues­day com­mend­ed the ef­forts of the staff at the Sport Com­pa­ny of T&T and Min­istry of Sport and Youth Af­fairs for the per­sis­tence shown to en­sure funds were ready for his teams, al­so thanked T&T Olympic Com­mit­tee pres­i­dent Bri­an Lewis and for­mer TTR­FU pres­i­dent Leslie Fi­garo for the sup­port shown for him.

Pe­ters said: “It is im­por­tant to note that in these dif­fi­cult fi­nan­cial times, we can still count on the gov­ern­ment of the coun­try to sup­port the Na­tion­al Sport­ing Or­gan­i­sa­tions (NSOs) in their quest to bring sport­ing glo­ry to T&T.”


Nigel Balling­ton, Sha­keel Dyte, Shakir Flem­ming, Jahreem George, An­tho­ny Forde, Christo­pher Hud­son, Em­manuel Joseph, Akeem Leben, Leon Pan­tor (cap­tain), Joshua Seechan, Ag­boola Sil­ver­thorn, Jonathan Tay­lor.

Fe­li­cian Guer­ra (In­ter­im Coach), Jer­ry Le­gal (Asst Coach), Cur­tis Nero (Man­ag­er), Je­lani Bap­tiste (Phys­io­ther­a­pist)


Ap­phia Glas­gow, Fay­ola Jack, Kwanieze John, Leah Kin­ti­ba, Mari­ka Mendez, Aqiy­la O’Brien, Car­li­na Phillip, Kath­leen Stephens (cap­tain), Blos­som Stew­art, Maria Thomas, Kan­isha Vin­cent, Chris­tine Wal­cott.

Carl­ton Fe­lix (Coach), Kel­son Fi­garo (Asst Coach), Je­nilee Li­ma­da (Man­ag­er), Dalia Jor­dan-Brown (Med­ical Doc­tor), Derek Ash­by-Williams (Mas­sage Ther­a­pist).

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