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Friday, March 14, 2025

Sawh unbeaten century help Achievers past Technocrats


Rachael Thompson-King
38 days ago
Shanta Roopchan of Victoria CC claimed 4-8.

Shanta Roopchan of Victoria CC claimed 4-8.

A pa­tient cen­tu­ry by Shunelle Sawh helped Cal­drac Achiev­ers seal vic­to­ry in the Pre­mier­ship Di­vi­sion of the T&T Women’s Crick­et As­so­ci­a­tion (TTWCA) 50 Over League com­pe­ti­tion on Sun­day (Feb­ru­ary 3).

The right-han­der end­ed un­beat­en on 101 not out off 127 balls as Achiev­ers won by a huge 178-run win over Tech­nocrats at Cal­drac Ground in Cal­i­for­nia to earn the un­de­feat­ed Cal­drac unit, its sec­ond win in three match­es. The oth­er match was aban­doned due to rain.

The Achiev­ers bat­ted first and post­ed a com­pet­i­tive 268-1 in 44 overs. Rachel Vin­cent (66 off 83 balls) and Djen­a­ba Joseph (53 not out off 62 balls) helped Sawh, a for­mer West In­dies Un­der-19 women’s play­er, lead the way for Achiev­ers as both struck half-cen­turies. Reynelle Reid picked up the lone wick­et for 12 runs.

In re­ply, Tech­nocrats reached 90-9 in 31.4 overs with on­ly Ki­rah Man­paul putting up re­sis­tance, scor­ing a half-cen­tu­ry (55) while Kir­by­i­na Alexan­der added 17 in the loss. Tiffany As­son (2-13) and Kar­ish­ma Ramharack (2-23) grabbed two wick­ets apiece.

At UWI South Field in St Au­gus­tine, de­fend­ing cham­pi­on Pow­er­gen Women broke the win streak of the Uni­ver­si­ty of the West In­dies Women’s Crick­et Club (UWI WCC), beat­ing them by three wick­ets.

For­mer West In­dies Women play­er Anisa Mo­hammed led with the bat with 47 from 96 balls, re­spond­ing to to UWI WCC’s 145 in 43.2 overs. The vet­er­an play­er along with Brit­ney Coop­er (23) and An­jalie Go­ordeen (20), got Pow­er­gen to the win­ning tar­get of 146-7 in 40.4 overs.

In the oth­er Pre­mier­ship Di­vi­sion match, Hi­bis­cus Ladies with im­pres­sive bowl­ing from Za­heera Mo­hit with 5-33, de­feat­ed AC Women by six wick­ets at Granville Recre­ation Ground in Ce­dros.

In the TTWCA’s Cham­pi­onship Di­vi­sion, Vic­to­ria Crick­et Club (CC) won by six wick­ets against North Zone at the Bri­an Lara Recre­ation Ground, Sam Bou­card Road in San­ta Cruz, thanks to the im­pres­sive bowl­ing ef­fort of Shan­ta Roopchan with 4-8.

Crick­et Lovers sealed a 144-run win over Moses Lendore Crick­et Acad­e­my (ML­CA) at Dins­ley Ground in Tacarigua, and at the Brazil Recre­ation Ground in Tal­paro, Sital Young­sters beat Bren­da Solozano Crick­et Acad­e­my (BSCA) by 10 wick­ets. Cheyenne Ramd­hanie ran through the BSCA bat­ting line-up, fin­ish­ing with the best bowl­ing fig­ures of 4-20.

Sum­marised scores

Pre­mier­ship Di­vi­sion (50 overs)

At Cal­drac Ground: CAL­DRAC ACHIEV­ERS 268-1 (44 overs) (Shunelle Sawh 101 not out, Rachel Vin­cent 66, Djen­a­ba Joseph 53 not out, Reynelle Reid 1-12) vs TECH­NOCRATS 90-9 (31.4 overs) (Ki­rah Man­paul 55, Kir­by­i­na Alexan­der 17, Tifany As­son 2-13, Kar­ish­ma Ramharack 2-23, D Joseph 1-11). Cal­dra Achiev­ers won by 178 runs.

At UWI South Field: UWI WCC 145 (43.2 overs) (Lee Ann Kir­by 43, Shali­ni Sama­roo 18, Mikeala Jod­han 15, Ca­niesha Isaac 3-22, Le­an­dra Ramdeen 2-27, Nata­nia Lal­loo 2-33) vs POW­ER­GEN WOMEN 146-7 (40.4 overs) (Anisa Mo­hammed 47, Brit­ney Coop­er 23, An­jalie Go­ordeen 20, Ka­jol Dal­gir 2-18, Ka­ma­ra Ra­goo­bar 2-19, Shali­ni Sama­roo 2-30). Pow­er­gen won by 3 wick­ets.

At Grandville Recre­ation Ground: AC WOMEN 96 (27 overs) (Ali­cia Lall 16, Shriya Jairam 15, Arinel­laa De­onar­ine 10, Za­heera Mo­hit 5-33, Sameera Naidoo 2-21, Sian Ram­nar­ine 1-17) vs HI­BIS­CUS LADIES 97-4 (18.4 overs) (Sameera Naidoo 34 not out, Jes­si­ca Wed­der­burn 21, Jan­nah Mo­hammed 1-13, A Lall 1-24). Hi­bis­cus Ladies won by 6 wick­ets.

Cham­pi­onship Di­vi­sion (30 overs)

At Brazil Recre­ation Ground: BSCA 69 (27.3 overs) (Bren­da Solozano 24 not out, Cheyenne Ramd­hanie 4-20, Crys­tal Hanslal 2-6, Zaara Bhi­ki 1-9) vs SITAL YOUNG­STERS 71-0 (7.2 overs) (Saman­tha Ram­goolam 32 not out, Stechelle Hayling Jor­dan 25 not out). Sital Young­sters won by 10 wick­ets.

At Dins­ley Ground: CRICK­ET LOVERS 183-3 (20 overs) (Sha­nia Au­gus­tus 97, Ka­trice Her­nan­dez 27, Amy Hold­er 13 not out, Aben Nes­bitt 1-31, Free­da La Rosa 1-32, Lau­ralee Bas­deo 1-37) vs ML­CA 39-9 (12.5 overs) (A Hold­er 4-2, Tia Liv­er­pool 1-7, Makay­la Su­perville 1-7). Crick­et Lovers won by 144 runs.

At Bri­an Lara Recre­ation Ground: NORTH ZONE 69 (18.3 overs) (Sarah Sa­ha­dath 12, Shan­ta Roopchan 4-8, Rose Ram­s­ingh 2-12, Abi­gail Boodoo 2-19) VIC­TO­RIA CC 70-4 (10.2 overs) (Ab­na Mo­hammed 21 not out, S Roopchan 12 not out, A Boodoo 10, Jes­si­ca Davis 2-14, Ais­hani Ram­se­wak 1-11, Te­jal Ram­se­wak 1-26). Vic­to­ria CC won by 6 wick­ets.

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