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Sunday, February 23, 2025

Sprint king Paul, cycling team celebrated on Promenade


Walter Alibey - Senior Sports Reporter
1989 days ago
Cyclist Nicholas Paul, the fastest man in the world,  is surrounded by his national teammates Quincy Alexander, left, Kwesi Browne, 2nd from left, Port-of-Spain Mayor Joel Martinez, right, Antonia Berton, 2nd from right, and Keron Bramble. The team won a gold medal in the team sprint event, while Paul set a new world record in the flying 200meters event at the just concluded Elite Pan American Continental Championship in Bolivia and was celebrated on the Brian Lara Promenade in the Capital City on Saturday.

CELEBRATION TIME! Cyclist Nicholas Paul, the fastest man in the world, is surrounded by his national teammates Quincy Alexander, left, Kwesi Browne, 2nd from left, Port-of-Spain Mayor Joel Martinez, right, Antonia Berton, 2nd from right, and Keron Bramble. The team won a gold medal in the team sprint event, while Paul set a new world record in the flying 200meters event at the just concluded Elite Pan American Continental Championship in Bolivia and was celebrated on the Brian Lara Promenade in the Capital City on Saturday.

Anisto Alves

It was a clas­sic case of a coun­try boy de­fy­ing the odds to be world ac­claim.

Nicholas Paul's achieve­ment of the world record in the fly­ing 200 me­tres event at the just con­clud­ed Elite Pan Amer­i­can Con­ti­nen­tal Cham­pi­onships in Bo­livia last week has earned him and the mem­bers of the T&T cy­cling team- Quin­cy Alexan­der, Keron Bram­ble and Kwe­si Browne, a trip to the Bri­an Lara Prom­e­nade in Port-of-Spain on Fri­day where they were cel­e­brat­ed.

Paul, for his record of 9.100 earned him con­grat­u­la­to­ry mes­sages from sev­er­al world-renowned sports­men, Amer­i­can Mar­ty Noth­stein, Shane Kel­ly of Aus­tralia and T&T bat­ting ge­nius Bri­an Lara, among oth­ers, as well as a plaque from the Port-of-Spain City Cor­po­ra­tion and its May­or Joel Mar­tinez.

Min­is­ter of Sport and Youth Af­fairs Sham­fa Cud­joe said the gov­ern­ment, in line with its re­ward and in­cen­tive pro­gramme, will en­sure that suc­cess­ful cy­clists from the Pan Am will re­ceive their cash in­cen­tives at a lat­er date.

Apart from Paul's world record per­for­mance, which even­tu­al­ly led to the gold medal in the match sprint event in a new Pan Am record, the sprint team al­so claimed gold in the open­ing event, fin­ished just out­side the world record.

Bram­ble al­so pro­duced a break-through per­for­mance in the keirin event which saw just miss­ing out on a medal.

Min­is­ter Cud­joe told the gath­er­ing she was giv­en just two min­utes to be at the event, but she laud­ed the rid­ers for their achieve­ments, de­scrib­ing it as an out­stand­ing ac­com­plish­ment. She not­ed it was through the achieve­ments of our sports­men and women that our twin-is­land Re­pub­lic be­came known around the world.

Ac­cord­ing to Cud­joe, the ath­letes are a re­minder to all of us, that we must do our bit to make T&T proud. She sin­gled Paul for his com­mit­ment and ded­i­ca­tion at such a young age, to break a world record and make the coun­try proud.

Port-of-Spain May­or Joel Mar­tinez said not every day you go out and break a world record, but they had an­oth­er cham­pi­on in their midst. "It takes the pain, it takes de­ter­mi­na­tion, it takes en­durance, it takes skill, it takes fam­i­ly life, the peo­ple in your vil­lage, the peo­ple in your com­mu­ni­ty, the peo­ple in your coun­try, it takes every­body to bring home a medal or a world record for a coun­try as small as T&T. Aren't we an im­pres­sive peo­ple?

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