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Friday, January 24, 2025



Sports Desk
1169 days ago
WELL DONE Nigel Paul, T&T’s Super Heavyweight AIBA Men’s World Boxing bronze medallist, paid a courtesy call at the T&T Olympic House where he was met by President Brian Lewis on Friday morning. Paul was companied by his coach Reynold Cox. Paul, a resident of Chaguanas was the only boxer from the Caribbean that won a medal at the championships which took place in Serbia last week.

WELL DONE Nigel Paul, T&T’s Super Heavyweight AIBA Men’s World Boxing bronze medallist, paid a courtesy call at the T&T Olympic House where he was met by President Brian Lewis on Friday morning. Paul was companied by his coach Reynold Cox. Paul, a resident of Chaguanas was the only boxer from the Caribbean that won a medal at the championships which took place in Serbia last week.

Courtesy TTOC

Nigel Paul, T&T’s Su­per Heavy­weight AI­BA Men’s World Box­ing bronze medal­list, paid a cour­tesy call at the T&T Olympic House where he was met by Pres­i­dent Bri­an Lewis on Fri­day morn­ing.

Paul was com­panied by his coach Reynold Cox. Paul, a res­i­dent of Ch­agua­nas was the on­ly box­er from the Caribbean that won a medal at the cham­pi­onships which took place in Ser­bia last week.

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