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Friday, March 14, 2025

The Brydens Group signs Jereem Richards


Sport Desk
248 days ago
T&T’s track and Field Olympian Jereem Richard, left, with Michael Conyers, Deputy Chairman of The Brydens Group.

T&T’s track and Field Olympian Jereem Richard, left, with Michael Conyers, Deputy Chairman of The Brydens Group.

T&T’s run­ning star Jereem “The Dream” Richards has signed on with The Bry­dens Group as a cor­po­rate brand am­bas­sador. Richards, a 200 me­tres and 400m sprint­er, will be rep­re­sent­ing T&T at the up­com­ing 2024 Olympic Games in Paris, France.

This an­nounce­ment comes amidst an ex­cit­ing sea­son for Richards, a three-time Olympian, who claimed vic­to­ry in the Na­tion­al Cham­pi­onship men’s 400m last month at the Hase­ly Craw­ford Sta­di­um in Mu­crapo, Port-of-Spain.

“I have been blessed with tremen­dous sup­port from T&T, and I am proud to rep­re­sent my coun­try in the 2024 Olympics,” said Richards. “This en­cour­age­ment from the Bry­dens Group means a great deal and comes at an im­por­tant time in my ca­reer. In all things, I con­tin­ue to give my best ef­fort and thanks and praise to God.”

This marks a sig­nif­i­cant mile­stone for The Bry­dens Group. Deputy chair­man Michael Cony­ers shared, “Just as our Group aims to ex­pand its rep­u­ta­tion be­yond our Twin-Is­land home on­to re­gion­al and in­ter­na­tion­al stages, Jereem’s jour­ney mir­rors our own as­pi­ra­tions.

“Both sto­ries are poised to un­fold, marked by hum­ble be­gin­nings, un­wa­ver­ing de­ter­mi­na­tion to­wards our goals, and a com­mit­ment to leave a last­ing pos­i­tive lega­cy. Our shared pas­sion and per­se­ver­ance res­onate through all our en­deav­ours. We are priv­i­leged to em­bark on this jour­ney along­side Jereem.”

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