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Monday, February 24, 2025

T&T Beach vballers still winless in Peru


Nigel Simon
2041 days ago

T&T's men and women beach vol­ley­ball teams of Daynte Stew­art and Mar­lon Phillip and Rheeza Grant and Ma­li­ka David­son, suf­fered their sec­ond round-robin Pool B de­feats when the 2019 Pan Amer­i­can Games con­tin­ued at the Beach Vol­ley­ball Court in Pe­ru on Thurs­day.

Stew­art and Phillip were out­classed by USA's Ian Sat­ter­field and Mark Burik 13-21, 16-21 to drop to 0-2 in the four-team round-robin pool.

On Wednes­day, the T&T men were beat­en by Ar­genti­na's Nico­las Ca­pogrosso and Ju­lian Aza­ad 15-21, 7-21, while the South Amer­i­cans al­so won yes­ter­day 21-12, 21-12 against El Sal­vador's David Var­gas and Car­los Es­co­bar to join the North Amer­i­cans at 2-0 and in the main draw quar­ters. Sat­ter­field and Burik over­whelmed El Sal­vador's David Var­gas and Car­los Es­co­bar 21-12, 21-10 in their open­er.

On Fri­day, Stew­art and Phillip face Var­gas and Es­co­bar and Sat­ter­field and Burik come up against Ca­pogrosso and Aza­ad, both from 11.30 am.

The lo­cal women's team of Grant and David­son went un­der to Colom­bians Yu­ly Ay­ala and Di­ana Rios 9-21, 12-21, fol­low­ing up on Wednes­day's de­feat at the hands of USA's Karis­sa Cook and Jace Par­don 21-9, 21-8, to drop to 0-2.

The lo­cal women's team of Phillip and Grant were hum­bled by Colom­bians Yu­ly Ay­ala and Di­ana Rios 13-21, 16-21 to add to their loss to Amer­i­cans Karis­sa Cook and Jace Par­don, 9-21, 8-21. The vic­to­ry lift­ed the Colom­bians to a 1-1 record, lev­el with Cos­ta Ri­cans Marcela Araya and Va­le­ri­na Va­len­ciano, who were over­pow­ered by Cook and Par­don 11-21, 11-21, with the lat­ter im­prov­ing to a 2-0 record ahead of Fri­day's fi­nal round-robin pool match­es.

Al­so on Fri­day, Grant and David­son will still have a chance to fin­ish sec­ond in the pool but will need to de­feat Araya and Va­len­ciano hand­some­ly and hope Cook and Par­don do the same to Ay­ala and Rios.

The T&T women's rug­by team will al­so get their cam­paign go­ing when they come up against the USA from 11.15 am.

The Games start of­fi­cial­ly on Fri­day where T&T will at­tempt to match its suc­cess­es of four years ago in Toron­to Cana­da, when they reg­is­tered their most suc­cess­ful show­ing ever with three gold medals, three sil­ver and two bronze for eight medals over­all, bet­ter­ing the per­for­mances of the 1967 (Win­nipeg), 1971 (Cali) and 2003 (San­to Domin­go) na­tion­al teams, which each man­aged sev­en.

The gold medal win­ners in Cana­da were Cleopa­tra Borel (shot put), Keshorn Wal­cott (javelin) and the 4x400 men's re­lay team of Jar­rin Solomon, Ren­ny Quow, Machel Ce­de­nio and Lalonde Gor­don. Cy­clist Njisane Phillip (Men's Match Sprint), ath­letes Machel Ce­de­nio (Men's 400m), Mikel Thomas (Men's 110m Hur­dles), the 4x100m re­lay quar­tet of Ron­del Sor­ril­lo, Ke­ston Bled­man, Em­manuel Cal­len­der and Dan-Neil Teles­ford and swim­mer George Bovell III (Men's 50m Freestyle) added bronze.

This time around, 98 ath­letes (58 men and 40 women) from 18 sport­ing dis­ci­plines are in Pe­ru to rep­re­sent T&T un­til Au­gust 11.

T&T Pan Am Games Con­tin­gent

TRACK AND FIELD: Michelle-Lee Ahye, Kel­ly Ann Bap­tiste, Se­moy Hack­ett, Ale­na Brooks, Ka­maria Dur­rant, Sparkle McK­night, Cleopa­tra Borel, Por­tious Waren, Tyra Git­tens, Ke­ston Bled­man, Kyle Greaux, Jereem Richards, Dwight St. Hillaire, Machel Ce­de­nio, Reubin Wal­ters, Akan­ni His­lop, Jerod El­cock, Asa Gue­vara, An­dewelle Wright, Wimani Stew­art, Keshorn Wal­cott, Shakeil Wait­he, De­on Lendore, Tonya Nero, Mau­ri­cia Pri­eto, Ay­la Stan­sclaus

Of­fi­cials: George Com­mi­siong, Ian Carter, Nic Con­nor Alex­an­der, Charles Joseph, Ar­lon Mor­ris­son, Mas­tra­pa Lopez, Wen­dell Williams

HOCK­EY (men): Kar­los Stephen, Akim Tou­s­siant, Jor­dan Reynos, Kristien Em­manuel, Teague Mar­cano, Shel­don De Lisle Mar­cus James, Mick­ell Pierre, Tarik Mar­cano, Daniel By­er, Michael O’Con­nor, Shaquille Daniel, Lyn­dell By­er, Kwand­wane Browne, Caleb Guisep­pi, Dy­lan Fran­cis, Joel Daniel, Mal­colm Bap­tiste

Of­fi­cials: Glenn Fran­cis, Kirth Davis, Huw Stevens, Nicholas Baldeosingh

RUG­BY (women): Ap­phia Glas­gow, Leah Kin­ti­ba, Nico­lette Pan­to,r Blos­som Stew­art, Fay­ola Jack, Mari­ka Mendez, Car­li­na Phillip, Maria Thomas, Kwanieze John, Aqiy­la O’Brien, Kath­leen Stephen, Kan­isha Vin­cent

Of­fi­cials: Je­nilee Li­ma­da, Carl­ton Fe­lix, Kel­son Fi­garo

AQUAT­ICS: Dy­lan Carter, Kael Yorke, Gra­ham Cha­toor, Jade Cha­toor, Gabriela Don­ahue, Giselle Gur­soy

Of­fi­cials: Tra­cy De Mon­trichard-Carter Chase Bloch Joseph Mc Leod

CY­CLING: Nicholas Paul, Njisane Phillip, Kwe­si Browne, Keron Bram­ble, Quin­cy Alex­an­der, Jabari White­man, Kemp Orosco, Tyler Cole, Jov­ian Gomez, Ak­il Camp­bell, Te­niel Camp­bell, Alexi Cos­ta

Of­fi­cials: David Fran­cis Erin Hartwell Gene Samuel El­isha Greene Gabriel Thomas

SAIL­ING: An­drew Lewis, Kel­ley-Ann Mary Ar­rindell

Of­fi­cial: Ka­iron Ser­rette

ARCHERY: Daniel Cata­riz

Of­fi­cial: Colvin Chin

BAD­MINTON: Nekeisha Blake

Of­fi­cial: Melvin Thomas

BEACH VOL­LEY­BALL: Ma­li­ka David­son, Rheeza Grant, Daynte Stew­art, Mar­lon Phillip

Of­fi­cials: Nan­cy Joseph, Stephen Enile

BOX­ING: Nigel Paul, Aaron Prince, Ty­ron Thomas, Micheal Alex­an­der

Of­fi­cials: Reynold Cox, Rawl­son Dop­well

SHOOT­ING: An­tho­ny D. Maraj, Mar­sha Bullen-Jones, Robert Auer­bach, Roger Daniel

Of­fi­cial: Ian Cock­burn

CA­NOE SPRINT: Matthew Robin­son, Nicholas Robin­son

Of­fi­cial: Mer­ryl See Tai

JU­DO: Gabriel­la Wood

Of­fi­cial: Mark Lit­tre­an

ROW­ING: Fe­lice Aisha Chow

Of­fi­cial: Mon­i­ca Hilcu

TA­BLE TEN­NIS: Rheann Chung

Of­fi­cial: An­tho­ny Corbin

TAEK­WON­DO: Megan Lawrence

Of­fi­cial: Cheryl Ann Sankar

Deputy Chef de Mis­sion: Lovie San­tana

Press At­taché: Melanie Gul­ston

Med­ical Of­fi­cers: Dr. Ter­ry Ali, Dr. Nailah Adams, Dr. Rudranath Ram­sawak, Karielle De Bique, Verne Al­leyne, Liza Mo­han-Watts, Den­no­ra George, Brent El­der, June Don­na Durham, Odessa Chan­dler, Derek Ash­by Williams.

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