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Friday, March 14, 2025

T&T tennis boss: "Summer of Tennis" to benefit local players


Clayton Clarke
251 days ago
Members of T&T team for the Billie Jean King Cup, Aalisha Alexis, from left, and Charlotte Ready and Davis Cup’s Tim Pasea and Alijah Leslie at the launch of the Summer of Tennis at the National Racquet Centre in Tacarigua yesterday.  Alexis and Ready, along with Yolande Leacock and Jordane Dookie, will contest the Billie Jean King Cup from August 5 to 10.   Pasea and Leslie will team up with Kale Dalla Costa, Kamran McIntosh-Ross and Luca Shamsi for the July 22-27 Davis Cup Tournament.

Members of T&T team for the Billie Jean King Cup, Aalisha Alexis, from left, and Charlotte Ready and Davis Cup’s Tim Pasea and Alijah Leslie at the launch of the Summer of Tennis at the National Racquet Centre in Tacarigua yesterday. Alexis and Ready, along with Yolande Leacock and Jordane Dookie, will contest the Billie Jean King Cup from August 5 to 10. Pasea and Leslie will team up with Kale Dalla Costa, Kamran McIntosh-Ross and Luca Shamsi for the July 22-27 Davis Cup Tournament.

Clayton Clarke

Pres­i­dent of the Ten­nis As­so­ci­a­tion of T&T, Hay­den Mitchell, is con­fi­dent this year's "Sum­mer of Ten­nis" tour­na­ment will ben­e­fit lo­cal play­ers, who will get the chance to play pro­fes­sion­al­ly, at home.

The sec­ond edi­tion of the "Sum­mer of Ten­nis" will be held at the Na­tion­al Rac­quet Cen­tre in Tacarigua and will serve off on Ju­ly 12 with the first tour­na­ment, SR4 Un­der-12 De­vel­op­ment Team Cham­pi­onships. It will cli­max with the ITF U-18 MT 100 Car­ni­val Cup from Au­gust 14-31.

Speak­ing at the launch of the near­ly two-month-long ten­nis event yes­ter­day, Mitchell said T&T play­ers will square against their glob­al coun­ter­parts.

"One of the things we are ex­cit­ed about is to bring ex­po­sure to our young ath­letes and make sure that some­body who is born in T&T should be able to be­come a pro­fes­sion­al with­out leav­ing the shores of T&T," he said.

Mitchell, who is al­so a Di­rec­tor on the Board of the Sport Com­pa­ny of T&T, al­so added that stag­ing the se­ries of tour­na­ments is to help pro­mote this coun­try as the cen­tre for the re­gion.

"We host­ed it last year and part of our vi­sion is to have T&T be­come the hub for re­gion­al ten­nis. We want to be able to host in­ter­na­tion­al tour­na­ments at all lev­els. We al­so want to be able to have de­vel­op­ment hap­pen­ing in the coun­try as well."

The Davis Cup Group IV tour­na­ment will fol­low the SR4 12 com­pe­ti­tion from Ju­ly 20-27. The top men's play­ers were se­lect­ed from tri­als last month. Aal­i­jah Leslie, Tim Pasea, Kale Dal­la Cos­ta, Kam­ran McIn­tosh-Ross and Sham­si will fly the red, white and black. The lo­cal men against will be aim­ing to fin­ish in the top two and be pro­mot­ed to Group Three.

T&T will host the Bil­lie Jean King Cup for the first time from Au­gust 3-10. The event is con­sid­ered the ladies' equiv­a­lent to the Davis Cup for men.

Ten­nis of­fi­cial Jer­mile Danclar said the lo­cal ten­nis com­mu­ni­ty is ho­n­oured to host the pre­mier Ladies Team com­pe­ti­tion.

"This is the first year that we bid and won the bid to host the event. So we are very proud of about that. Ten teams are sched­uled to par­tic­i­pate in the event this year- An­tigua Bar­bu­da, Aru­ba, Ba­hamas, Bar­ba­dos, Bermu­da, Cos­ta Ri­ca, El Sal­vador Ja­maica, St Lu­cia and hosts T&T."

The lo­cal ladies for the Bil­ly Jean King Cup tour­ney are Yolande Lea­cock, Aal­isha Alex­is, Jor­dane Dook­ie, and Char­lotte Ready.

Di­rec­tor of Phys­i­cal Ed­u­ca­tion and Sport at the Min­istry of Sport and Com­mu­ni­ty De­vel­op­ment Gabre Mc­tair said the min­istry is back­ing the Sum­mer of Ten­nis ini­tia­tive.

"This Sum­mer of Ten­nis, the min­istry most def­i­nite­ly en­dors­es. I think that this au­gurs ex­treme­ly well for the de­vel­op­ment of ten­nis in T&T," said Mc­tair.

He added, "We look for­ward to hav­ing these types of tour­na­ments to pro­vide the In­ter­na­tion­al Ten­nis Fed­er­a­tion with the nec­es­sary im­pe­tus to grant the cer­ti­fi­ca­tion of this fa­cil­i­ty as a re­gion­al De­vel­op­ment Cen­tre. The Sum­mer of Ten­nis pro­gramme does speak to a num­ber of the ob­jec­tives and themes of the Min­istry of Sport and Com­mu­ni­ty De­vel­op­ment's Na­tion­al Sport pol­i­cy 2017 to 2027."

Sched­ule for the Sum­mer of Ten­nis

Venue-Na­tion­al Rac­quet Cen­tre, Tacarigua

Ju­ly 12-19

SR4 Un­der 12 De­vel­op­ment Team Cham­pi­onships

Ju­ly 20-27

David Cup Group IV

Au­gust 3-10

Bil­ly Jean King Cup

Au­gust 10-15

COTECC-U-12, U-14 Sum­mer Bowle

Au­gust 17-24

ITF Un­der 18 MT100 Sum­mer Bowl

Au­gust 24-31

ITF U-18, M 100 Car­ni­val Cup

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