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Tuesday, March 25, 2025

T&T to face Grenada June 5 in World Cup qualifiers opener


Nigel Simon
317 days ago
T&T players during a practice session in February. The Soca Warriors will do battle with Grenada in their opening match in the CONCACAF phase of FIFA World Cup qualifiers at the Hasely Crawford Stadium, Mucurapo in Port-of-Spain on June 5.

T&T players during a practice session in February. The Soca Warriors will do battle with Grenada in their opening match in the CONCACAF phase of FIFA World Cup qualifiers at the Hasely Crawford Stadium, Mucurapo in Port-of-Spain on June 5.


T&T “So­ca War­riors” will open their Group B CON­CA­CAF World Cup Sec­ond Round of qual­i­fiers at home to neigh­bour Grena­da on June 5 at the Hase­ly Craw­ford Sta­di­um, Mu­cu­rapo, Port-of-Spain.

This was con­firmed by Con­ca­caf fol­low­ing the re­lease of fix­tures for the Con­ca­caf World Cup qual­i­fiers tak­ing place in June on Fri­day.

The An­gus Eve-coached T&T squad will then play away to Ba­hamas three days lat­er at the St Kitts & Nevis Foot­ball As­so­cia Tech­ni­cal Cen­ter in Bas­seterre, St Kitts & Nevis for their sec­ond match in the five-team round-robin se­ries to­wards the FI­FA World Cup 2026 joint­ly host­ed by the USA, Cana­da and Mex­i­co.

The So­ca War­riors un­der the su­per­vi­sion of 51-year-old coach An­gus Eve, T&T’s most capped play­er with 117 na­tion­al se­nior team ap­pear­ances, will then com­plete their four-match sched­ule in 2025 with a home en­counter against St Kitts & Nevis on June 6, fol­lowed by an away out­ing to group favourite Cos­ta Ri­ca.

The oth­er Sec­ond Round qual­i­fy­ing groups are Group A: Hon­duras, An­tigua & Bar­bu­da, Cu­ba, Bermu­da, and Cay­man Is­lands; Group C: Haiti, Cu­ra­cao, St Lu­cia, Bar­ba­dos, Aru­ba; Group D: Pana­ma, Nicaragua, Guyana, Montser­rat, Be­lize; Group E: Ja­maica, Guatemala, Do­mini­can Re­pub­lic, Do­mini­ca, British Vir­gin Is­lands; and Group F: El Sal­vador, Suri­name, Puer­to Ri­co, St Vin­cent and the Grenadines, and An­guil­la.

At the end of the Sec­ond Round of CON­CA­CAF qual­i­fiers in June 2025, the group win­ners and run­ners-up (12 teams in to­tal) will progress to the fi­nal round.

For the CON­CA­CAF Fi­nal qual­i­fiers, which take place in Sep­tem­ber, Oc­to­ber, and No­vem­ber 2025 among the 12 mem­ber as­so­ci­a­tions (six match dates), a sep­a­rate draw will be con­duct­ed for the Fi­nal Round fol­low­ing the con­clu­sion of the Sec­ond Round.

The 12 teams will be di­vid­ed in­to three groups of four teams with each team play­ing every oth­er team in their group at home and away, for a to­tal of six match­es (three at home and three away), at the end of which, the three group win­ners will qual­i­fy di­rect­ly for the FI­FA World Cup 2026, join­ing hosts Cana­da, Mex­i­co, and the USA.

Ad­di­tion­al­ly, the two best run­ners-up will rep­re­sent CON­CA­CAF in the FI­FA play­off tour­na­ment, which in to­tal could pro­vide the CON­CA­CAF re­gion with up to eight teams at the FI­FA World Cup for the first time.

Fol­low­ing the start of the Con­ca­caf World Cup Qual­i­fiers, the So­ca War­riors will al­so com­pete in the Con­ca­caf Na­tions League LEAGUE A group stages in Sep­tem­ber hav­ing been drawn in Group B with Ja­maica, Hon­duras, Cu­ba, Nicaragua and French Guiana while Group A com­pris­es Cos­ta Ri­ca, Guatemala, Mar­tinique, Guade­loupe, Suri­name, and Guyana

The two groups of six teams each will play in a “Swiss style” league sys­tem, with each team play­ing a to­tal of four games (two at home and two away.

Af­ter the group stage play in Sep­tem­ber and Oc­to­ber 2024, the first and sec­ond-place fin­ish­ers of each group will ad­vance to the quar­ter­fi­nals, where they will join the four top-ranked League A teams (Mex­i­co, USA, Pana­ma, and Cana­da).

The pair­ings for the quar­ter­fi­nals which will be played on a home-and-away ba­sis will be de­ter­mined as fol­lows:

QF1: Fourth-ranked seed­ed team (Cana­da) vs Best first place (1A/1B)

QF2: Third-ranked seed­ed team (Pana­ma) vs Next first place (1A/1B)

QF3: Sec­ond-ranked seed­ed team (Unit­ed States) vs Best sec­ond place (2A/2B)

QF4: Best-ranked seed­ed team (Mex­i­co) vs Next sec­ond place (2A/2B)

Con­ca­caf 2026 FI­FA World Cup Qual­i­fiers June match­es:

*Home team list­ed first and in East­ern time (lo­cal time)

June 5:

An­tigua & Bar­bu­da vs Bermu­da - AB­FA Tech­ni­cal Cen­ter, St. John’s, 3 pm

Suri­name vs St Vin­cent and The Grenadines - Dr. Essed Sta­di­um, Para­mari­bo, 6 pm

T&T vs Grena­da - Hase­ly Craw­ford Sta­di­um, Port of Spain, 7.30 pm

Cu­ra­cao vs Bar­ba­dos - Ergilio Ha­to Sta­di­um, Willem­stad, 7.30 pm

Nicaragua vs Montser­rat - Es­ta­dio Na­cional de Fut­bol, Man­agua, 10 pm

Guatemala vs Do­mini­ca - Es­ta­dio Doro­teo Gua­much Flo­res, Guatemala City, 10 pm

June 6:

Haiti vs St Lu­cia - Wildey Turf, Bridgetown, 5 pm

Ja­maica vs Do­mini­can Re­pub­lic - Na­tion­al Sta­di­um, Kingston, 7.30 pm

Hon­duras vs Cu­ba - Es­ta­dio Na­cional Chela­to Ucles, Tegu­ci­gal­pa, 8.30 pm

Pana­ma vs Guyana - Es­ta­dio Rom­mel Fer­nan­dez, Pana­ma City, 8.30 pm

Cos­ta Ri­ca vs St Kitts & Nevis - Es­ta­dio Na­cional, San Jose, 10.30 pm

El Sal­vador vs Puer­to Ri­co - Es­ta­dio Cus­cat­lan, San Sal­vador, 10.30 pm

June 8:

British Vir­gin Is­lands vs Guatemala - A.O Shirley Recre­ation Ground, Road Town, 3 pm

An­guil­la vs Suri­name - Ray­mond E. Guishard Tech­ni­cal Cen­ter, The Val­ley, 3.30 pm

Cay­man Is­lands vs An­tigua and Bar­bu­da - Tru­man Bod­den Sports Com­plex, George Town, 4.30 pm

Ba­hamas vs T&T - St Kitts & Nevis Foot­ball As­so­ci­a­tion Tech­ni­cal Cen­ter, Bas­seterre, 5.30 pm

Aru­ba vs Cu­ra­cao - Com­ple­ho De­porti­vo Guiller­mo Trinidad, Oran­jes­tad, 8 pm

Be­lize vs Nicaragua - FFB Sta­di­um, Bel­mopan, 8 pm

June 9:

Do­mini­ca vs Ja­maica - Wind­sor Park Sports Sta­di­um, Roseau, 3 pm

St Vin­cent and The Grenadines vs El Sal­vador - Dr. Ir. Franklin Essed Sta­di­um, Para­mari­bo, 3 pm

Grena­da vs Cos­ta Ri­ca - Ki­rani James Ath­let­ics Sta­di­um, St. George's, 5 pm

Bar­ba­dos vs Haiti - Wildey As­tro Turf, Bridgetown, 5 pm

Bermu­da vs Hon­duras - Bermu­da Na­tion­al Sports Cen­tre, De­von­shire, 7 pm

Montser­rat vs Pana­ma - Es­ta­dio Na­cional de Fut­bol, Man­agua, 9 pm

June 11:

St Lu­cia vs Aru­ba - Wildey As­tro Turf, Bridgetown, 3 pm

Cu­ba vs Cay­man Is­lands - Es­ta­dio An­to­nio Maceo, San­ti­a­go, 3.30 pm

St Kitts & Nevis vs Ba­hamas - Warn­er Park Foot­ball Sta­di­um, Bas­seterre, 4 pm

Guyana vs Be­lize - Wildey As­tro Turf, Bridgetown, 6 pm

Do­mini­can Re­pub­lic vs British Vir­gin Is­lands - Es­ta­dio Panamer­i­cano, San Cristo­bal, 8 pm

Puer­to Ri­co vs An­guil­la - Es­ta­dio Juan Ramón Loubriel, Baya­mon, 8 pm

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