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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Venezuela's Martinez takes Tobago Cycle Classic


Walter Alibey - Senior Sports Reporter
1997 days ago
Clever Martinez, the 2019 winner of the Tobago Cycling Classic

Clever Martinez, the 2019 winner of the Tobago Cycling Classic

Scott Mc Gill of the Unit­ed States and Team Heat­wave Cy­cle Club won the fi­nal stage of the To­ba­go Cy­cling Clas­sic on Sun­day, but the over­all win­ner of the event went to Venezuela's Clever Mar­tinez.

Mar­tinez ac­cu­mu­lat­ed a mas­sive 125 points in to­tal af­ter the five stages, which in­clud­ed 46 points for his sec­ond-place fin­ish in the fi­nal stage.

Mc Gill, how­ev­er, fin­ished one point be­hind Mar­tinez in the sec­ond po­si­tion with 124 points over­all, fol­low­ing a se­ries of out­stand­ing per­for­mances in each stage of the com­pe­ti­tion, while Bryan Gomes, the win­ner of the open­ing Mil­ford Road 5-kilo­me­tre cir­cuit, was third over­all, rep­re­sent­ing Team Raiders and his coun­try Colom­bia.

The Colom­bian al­so fin­ished Sun­day's stage in the same third po­si­tion to re­ceive 42 points to make up his tal­ly of 123 points.

Mean­while, Hasani Hen­nis, the tal­ent­ed An­guil­lan rid­er se­cured fourth over­all with 109 points, af­ter he crossed the fin­ish line in Sun­day's event in fifth po­si­tion (34 points).

T&T's top fin­ish­er at sixth went to vet­er­an Emile Abra­ham who ac­cu­mu­lat­ed 60 points from the five stages. The vet­er­an T&T cy­clist who rep­re­sent­ed T&T and Team Phar­ma­co, re­turned to road rac­ing in T&T re­cent­ly, by tak­ing the Na­tion­al Cham­pi­onship Cri­teri­um on Re­pub­lic Day (Sep­tem­ber 24) at Nel­son Man­dela Park, Port-of-Spain.


1- Clever Mar­tinez (Team Raiders/Venezuela)- 125 pts

2- Scott Mc Gill (Heat­wave/USA)- 124 pts

3- Bryan Gomes (Colom­bia)- 123 pts

4- Hasani Hen­nis (An­guil­la)- 109 pts

5- Cyrus Pearo (USA)- 90 pts

6- Emile Abra­ham (Team Phar­ma­co/T&T)- 60 pts

7- Joel Yates (New Zealand)- 52 pts

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