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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Volcanoes, Pride, WI Academy begin fourth round on positive notes


Sport Desk
12 days ago
Roston Chase took five wickets for the Barbados Pride against the Combined Colleges and Campuses.

Roston Chase took five wickets for the Barbados Pride against the Combined Colleges and Campuses.

ST JOHN’S, An­tigua – The Wind­ward Is­lands Vol­ca­noes and Bar­ba­dos Pride start­ed their fourth round match­es pos­i­tive­ly against the Lee­ward Is­lands Hur­ri­canes and Com­bined Col­leges and Cam­pus­es re­spec­tive­ly on Wednes­day.

The Vol­ca­noes end­ed the day on 364 for sev­en with Shadrack Descarte scor­ing a cen­tu­ry, while the Pride staged a late fight­back to dis­miss the CCC for 262.

The West In­dies Acad­e­my al­so end­ed the day in the as­cen­dan­cy against the T&T Red Force, even though rain on­ly al­lowed 44 overs of play.

Mean­while, the Guyana Harpy Ea­gles and Ja­maica Scor­pi­ons are locked in a tense bat­tle af­ter shar­ing open­ing day ho­n­ours.

At Daren Sam­my Na­tion­al Crick­et Sta­di­um: Shadrack Descarte scored his maid­en first class cen­tu­ry to put the Wind­ward Is­lands Vol­ca­noes in con­trol af­ter the open­ing day of their match against the Lee­ward Is­lands Hur­ri­canes.

Bat­ting at num­ber six, Descarte slammed 119 from 188 balls to res­cue his side from a mid­dle or­der col­lapse and lead them to 364 for sev­en.

Hur­ri­canes pac­er Os­hane Thomas de­liv­ered a dev­as­tat­ing open­ing spell, tak­ing four of the first five wick­ets to re­duce the Vol­ca­noes to 132 for five.

But Descarte added 56 with Gi­an Ben­jamin, who made 30 and then teamed up with Ryan John to add a fur­ther 145 runs for the sev­enth wick­et to help the Vol­ca­noes stage a re­mark­able re­cov­ery.

John end­ed the day un­beat­en on 71 off 103 balls, while Ken­neth Dem­ber is 18 not out.

Thomas has so far tak­en 4-45 for the Hur­ri­canes.

At Kens­ing­ton Oval: Bar­ba­dos Pride off spin­ner Ros­ton Chase trig­gered a low­er or­der col­lapse to un­do the hard work of Damel Eve­lyn and put his side on top af­ter the first day in their clash against the Com­bined Col­leges and Cam­pus­es (CCC).

Eve­lyn scored his maid­en first class cen­tu­ry, 110 of 202 balls, as CCC dom­i­nat­ed the open­ing two ses­sions, but Chase’s late burst led a fight­back from the home side which saw them dis­miss the vis­i­tors for 262.

When Eve­lyn was at the crease with Kier­an Pow­ell, the CCC were cruis­ing at 209 for three and looked set to post a for­mi­da­ble first in­nings to­tal.

How­ev­er, Chase snagged five quick wick­ets as the CCC lost their last sev­en wick­ets for 53 runs, in­clud­ing their last three with­out scor­ing.

Chase end­ed with 5-70 and Jomel War­ri­can took 3-76 to be the Pride’s best bowlers.

At the close, the Pride fin­ished on 29 with­out loss, 233 runs in ar­rears.

At Coolidge Crick­et Ground: Pac­er Jo­hann Layne took four wick­ets as the West In­dies Acad­e­my piled on the pres­sure against the Trinidad and To­ba­go Red Force.

Rain played a ma­jor fac­tor, al­low­ing on­ly 44 overs to be bowled, but the Red Force limped to 129 for six by the time play was called off ear­ly.

The Red Force nev­er re­cov­ered from a poor start that saw them lose open­ers Cephas Coop­er and Tion Web­ster cheap­ly to fall to 10 for two.

Left-arm pac­er Nathan Ed­ward claimed the im­por­tant wick­et of Amir Jan­goo for 22, be­fore Layne snagged the cru­cial wick­et of Ja­son Mo­hammed for 32, as the Red Force fell to 89 for four.

Cap­tain Joshua Da Sil­va hit an un­beat­en 30 and Khary Pierre fin­ished on 30 not out, with the two hav­ing added 38 runs for the sev­enth wick­et.

Layne has tak­en 4-20 so far.

At Sabi­na Park: Kevlon An­der­son scored a cen­tu­ry for the Guyana Harpy Ea­gles, but their match against the Ja­maica Scor­pi­ons re­mains in the bal­ance af­ter the first day.

An­der­son scored an even cen­tu­ry off 161 balls be­fore re­tir­ing hurt, and the Harpy Ea­gles lost three late wick­ets to fin­ish on 260 for five.

An­der­son and Matthew Nan­du, who scored a pa­tient 61 from 195 balls, shared a 137-run part­ner­ship for the sec­ond wick­et to put the Harpy Ea­gles in a strong po­si­tion at 192 for one.

But Odean Smith grabbed two wick­ets in the fi­nal ses­sion, which saw the vis­i­tors lose three wick­ets for 25 runs to set up an in­ter­est­ing sec­ond day’s play.


Sum­marised scores

At Kens­ing­ton Oval in Bar­ba­dos: Bar­ba­dos Pride trail Com­bined Col­leges and Cam­pus­es by 233 runs with 10 wick­ets re­main­ing.

CCC 262 in 81.1 overs (Damel Eve­lyn 110, Kier­an Pow­ell 45, Ro­mario Greaves 22, Shaqkere Par­ris 21, Jo­hann Je­re­mi­ah 19, De­mario Richards 17, Kamil Pooran 11; Ros­ton Chase 5-70, Jomel War­ri­can 3-76).

PRIDE 29-0 in six overs (Kraigg Brath­waite 13 not out).

At Coolidge Crick­et Ground in An­tigua: Trinidad and To­ba­go Red Force lead the West In­dies Acad­e­my by 129 runs with four wick­ets re­main­ing.

RED FORCE 129-6 in 44 overs (Ja­son Mo­hammed 32, Joshua Da Sil­va 30 not out, Khary Pierre 24 not out, Amir Jan­goo 22; Jo­hann Layne 4-20).

At Daren Sam­my Na­tion­al Crick­et Sta­di­um in St Lu­cia: Wind­ward Is­lands Vol­ca­noes lead Lee­ward Is­lands Hur­ri­canes by 364 runs with three wick­ets re­main­ing.

VOL­CA­NOES 364-7 in 81 overs (Shadrack Descarte 119, Ryan John 71 not out, Sunil Am­bris 35, Gi­an Ben­jamin 30, Stephan Pas­cal 25, Ken­neth Dem­ber 18 not out, Al­ick Athanaze 13; Os­hane Thomas 4-45).

At Sabi­na Park in Ja­maica: Guyana Harpy Ea­gles lead Ja­maica Scor­pi­ons by 260 runs with five wick­ets re­main­ing.

HARPY EA­GLES 260-5 in 90 overs (Kevlon An­der­son 100 re­tired hurt, Matthew Nan­du 61, Tage­nar­ine Chan­der­paul 32, Ke­mol Sa­vory 18 not out, Tevin Im­lach 16, Ronal­do Al­imo­hamed 10; Odean Smith 3-46, Tamarie Red­wood 2-89).

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