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Monday, February 17, 2025

WI Women arrive in St Kitts ahead of ODI, T20I series vs Bangladesh


34 days ago
Cherry Ann Fraser and fellow members of the West Indies Women team arrive in St Kitts ahead of their first ODI match on Sunday.

Cherry Ann Fraser and fellow members of the West Indies Women team arrive in St Kitts ahead of their first ODI match on Sunday.

Courtedsy CWI Media

West In­dies women's team ar­rived in St Kitts to­day (Tues­day) ahead of the CG Unit­ed One Day In­ter­na­tion­al (ODI) and Twen­ty20 In­ter­na­tion­al (T20I) se­ries ver­sus Bangladesh.

The Ma­roon War­riors will take on Bangladesh in three One-Day In­ter­na­tion­als and three T20 In­ter­na­tion­als, from Sun­day (Jan­u­ary 19) to Jan­u­ary 31, at Warn­er Park in Bas­seterre, St Kitts.

This marks the West In­dies Women’s first-ever bi­lat­er­al se­ries against Bangladesh, and it is Bangladesh’s first bi­lat­er­al se­ries tour of the Caribbean, as both teams con­tin­ue their prepa­ra­tion for up­com­ing ICC events.

The two teams last met in the group stage of the ICC Women’s T20 World Cup 2024 in the UAE on Oc­to­ber 10, where West In­dies Women se­cured an eight-wick­et vic­to­ry at the Shar­jah Crick­et Sta­di­um. Pre­vi­ous­ly, their last T20I clash was on No­vem­ber 9, 2018 at Guyana’s Prov­i­dence Sta­di­um dur­ing that year’s ICC Women’s T20 World Cup in the Caribbean.

Their last ODI meet­ing, which took place near­ly three years ago in New Zealand on March 18, 2022, re­sult­ed in a four-run vic­to­ry for the West In­dies. Over­all, the two teams have met five times in in­ter­na­tion­al com­pe­ti­tion—four times in T20Is and once in an ODI—and West In­dies are yet to taste de­feat.

West In­dies Women,who will be led by Hay­ley Matthews with She­maine Camp­belle as vice-cap­tain, are still in the hunt for qual­i­fi­ca­tion to the 2025 ODI World Cup.

The re­gion­al side cur­rent­ly sits ninth with 14 points while Bangladesh are in sev­enth spot in the stand­ings with 19 points, just out­side the au­to­mat­ic qual­i­fi­ca­tion zone.

The Caribbean squad rep­re­sents a blend of sea­soned cam­paign­ers and ea­ger new­com­ers. While Stafanie Tay­lor is still re­cov­er­ing from a knee in­jury, Jan­nil­lea Glas­gow and Cher­ry Ann Fras­er, who re­cent­ly had suc­cess­ful stints in state crick­et in Tas­ma­nia, were in­clud­ed in the 15-mem­ber squad.

The ODI match­es are set to take place on Sun­day, Tues­day and next Thurs­day, fol­lowed by three T20Is, sched­uled for Jan­u­ary 27, 29, and 31.

West In­dies Women, coached by Shane Deitz, will be hop­ing to bounce back from their dis­ap­point­ing tour of In­dia.

The re­gion­al team lost the T20I se­ries 2-1 and were then swept 3-0 in the fol­low­ing ODI se­ries, last month.


WEST IN­DIES: Hay­ley Matthews (cap­tain). She­maine Camp­belle (vice-cap­tain), Aaliyah Al­leyne, Ner­is­sa Crafton, De­an­dra Dot­tin, Afy Fletch­er, Cher­ry Ann Fras­er, Shabi­ka Gajn­abi, Jan­nil­lea Glas­gow, Chinelle Hen­ry, Zai­da James, Qiana Joseph, Mandy Man­gru, Ash­mi­ni Mu­nis­ar, Kar­ish­ma Ramharack.

MAN­AGE­MENT: Shane Deitz ​(head coach), Sheena Good­ing ​(man­ag­er), Ryan Austin (as­sis­tant coach), Damien Wright (as­sis­tant coach), Gary Belle (team an­a­lyst), An­gel­i­ca Hold­er (phys­io­ther­a­pist), An­to­nia Bur­ton ​(strength & con­di­tion­ing coach), Dr. Na­dine Sam­my (per­for­mance coach), John Phillips (me­dia & con­tent of­fi­cer).

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