As the March 31, 2023 deadline approaches, some children’s homes will not be licensed in time which will leave at least 231 wards of the State in need of accommodations.
While some facilities are expected to be up to code before the end of the month, speaking at a Joint Select Committee of Parliament today, Minister with responsibility for Gender and Child Affairs, Ayanna Webster-Roy highlighted the homes which will not make the deadline.
“The Jairah/Raffa House which is at an 82% readiness...the Lady Hochoy Home is at 79% readiness...Marian House is at 85% readiness...Mary Care Centre South is at 88% readiness...Casa de Corazon is at 91% readiness...Ferndean’s Place Children’s Home is at 76% readiness...Cyrill Ross Nursery is at 79% readiness...St Jude’s is currently at 70% readiness for licensing,” said Minister Webster-Roy.
She added that two homes are earmarked for closure which are Operation Smile and the Margaret Kistow Home. The latter came under heavy scrutiny in the Judith Jones report for its handling of residents who age out of the home.
With respect to the homes that are near readiness but won’t be licensed in time, the Minister said they should be up to code by May given that most only need certain certification to meet the grade.
But what happens with the children of these homes until then?
Minister Webster-Roy explained that at least 60 children will be absorbed in licensed facilities and the rest will be reintegrated with their families through a Kinship Care initiative.
“Which will allow for some children to transition into care by other family members whom the Children’s Authority will deem fit, we are also trying to ramp up and encourage foster care,” she said.
The Kinship Care policy is still to be fully implemented but the State will provide funding for the families which take children into their care.