Shastri Boodan
Guardian Media Limited Correspondent
Professor Emeritus Brinsley Samaroo says trade unions should join the struggle for constitutional reform. This comment was made when Professor Samaroo spoke at the inaugural Adrian Cola Rienzi Memorial Forum.
This event took place on Saturday at the offices of the Member of Parliament for Couva South, Camden Road, Couva.
Professor Samaroo said trade unions must widen their scope since T&T's parliamentary system from the colonial era is outdated.
He said “We have a present Parliament that was colonially imposed. The British imposed what we now have because this was good for them.”
Samaroo added that “There should be far more people power because people matters and therefore the trade union movement should join in the struggle for constitutional reform so that we can have a Parliament that reflects the needs and aspirations of the people of T&T."