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Thursday, February 27, 2025

Sports icon Alexander B Chapman dies at age 93


Kelvin 'N'
1762 days ago
Anthony “Dada” Wickham is presented the Alexander B Chapman Award by the man himself accompanied by Anthony Thomas Aquinas Carmona ORTT, SC former President of T&T during the TTOC’s 23rd Annual Awards Gala at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Port-of-Spain in 2017.

Anthony “Dada” Wickham is presented the Alexander B Chapman Award by the man himself accompanied by Anthony Thomas Aquinas Carmona ORTT, SC former President of T&T during the TTOC’s 23rd Annual Awards Gala at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Port-of-Spain in 2017.

T&T, on Sat­ur­day, lost one of its sport­ing icon, pi­o­neer Alexan­der B Chap­man. He was 93.

Chap­man was an hon­orary life mem­ber of the T&T Olympic Com­mit­tee (TTOC), an hon­orary vice-pres­i­dent of the Cen­tral Amer­i­can and Caribbean Sports Or­gan­i­sa­tion (CAC­SO) and a life­time vice-pres­i­dent of the Com­mon­wealth Games Fed­er­a­tion (CGF).

Yes­ter­day, in a com­bined re­lease, the TTOC and the T&T Com­mon­wealth Games As­so­ci­a­tion, ex­pressed their sym­pa­thy on the pass­ing of the for­mer TTOC pres­i­dent from 1989-1997.

"The TTOC and the TTC­GA ex­tends deep­est con­do­lences to the fam­i­ly of Mr Alexan­der B Chap­man. Mr Chap­man's con­tri­bu­tion and ser­vice to the Olympic and Com­mon­wealth Sports Move­ments in T&T, the Caribbean re­gion, Amer­i­c­as con­ti­nent and Com­mon­wealth was im­mense, tire­less, ded­i­cat­ed and un­wa­ver­ing. He epit­o­mised the mean of vol­un­teerism and pa­tri­o­tism.

"His pas­sion for sports, the joy found in ef­fort and striv­ing for ex­cel­lence was bound­less. A pa­tri­ot who took im­mense pride in see­ing T&T ath­letes give of their best.

"A long-serv­ing sports ad­min­is­tra­tor. His wit, sense of hu­mour, dig­ni­ty and deco­rum stood out. Mr Chap­man's con­tri­bu­tion to the TTOC and the TTC­GA and the Caribbean Olympic Move­ment in the ear­ly days can be best de­scribed as pi­o­neer­ing. May he rest in peace."

The Alexan­der B Chap­man Award was in­tro­duced at the FCB Sports Foun­da­tion Sports Awards in 2017. The award recog­nis­es out­stand­ing con­tri­bu­tion to sport and Olymp­ism, par­tic­u­lar­ly in the pro­mo­tion of Olympic ideals. It high­lights achieve­ments or con­tri­bu­tions in any sport by in­di­vid­u­als or groups which epit­o­mise the fun­da­men­tal prin­ci­ples of Olymp­ism as found in the Olympic Char­ter.

An­tho­ny "Da­da" Wick­ham was the in­au­gur­al re­cip­i­ent of the ho­n­our when the cer­e­mo­ny was held at the Hy­att Re­gency Ho­tel in Port-of-Spain. David Lamy (de­ceased) was the re­cip­i­ent, last year.

Chap­man, who was TTOC's sec­re­tary gen­er­al for 25 years (1964-1989), leaves to mourn his daugh­ter Al­i­son Chap­man.

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