Dark, leafy greens, like spinach, host a number of health benefits. This one, in particular, contains protein, calcium, iron, magnesium, folate and Vitamin A, with most of its calories coming from carbohydrates and protein. Use fresh spinach as the base of a salad or saute it—either way, you would be doing your body a favour. Just think of Popeye. He knew the benefits of spinach long before it was deemed a superfood. Unfortunately, there is no promise that it will give you superhuman strength or the ability to fly, but with a healthy diet loaded with superfoods who knows what might happen.
It is low in calories and high in protein
As mentioned previously, most of the calories in spinach come from carbohydrates and protein. If you look at the ratio, you will see that spinach is extremely protein-rich, making it a perfect alternative to lettuce as the base for your salad.
Lowering blood pressure
Due to its high potassium content, spinach is often recommended for people with high blood pressure.
Helps with digestion
The high fibre and water contents in spinach are beneficial in the prevention of constipation and help to promote a healthy digestive tract.
Helps with fertility
As said above, spinach is rich in folate. Studies conducted show that an increase in folate had a beneficial effect on the health and functionality of sperm. Men with a higher intake of folate had greater sperm mobility which resulted in a higher number of successful pregnancies.
Here are a few ways that you can
add spinach into your diet:
When baking (Using it win a quiche is a great idea)
Salad Cooked with Pasta
Green Smoothies