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Friday, March 14, 2025

Thompson chases down Powell at Bislett Games



T&T's Richard Thomp­son post­ed a siz­zling 9.90 sec­onds to claim sil­ver in the Men's 100m fi­nal be­hind a world-lead­ing mark of 9.72 from for­mer world record hold­er Asafa Pow­ell at the Bislett Games in Oslo, Nor­way, yes­ter­day. Run­ning out of lane six in the event, which is the third stop on the Exxon­Mo­bil IAAF Di­a­mond League tour, with Pow­ell be­side him in lane five, Thomp­son crossed the line in a sea­son best time that was slight­ly as­sist­ed by +2.1m/s wind. Third place in the event was picked up by Nether­lands An­tilles ace Chu­randy Mar­ti­na, who fin­ished in 9.92 sec­onds, while Ja­maican Michael Frater was fourth in 9.97.

Thomp­son first eclipsed his sea­son best time of 10.12, set while plac­ing fourth at the Brazil Grand Prix in Rio de Janeiro in May, in the pre­lim­i­nary rounds at the Games when he won his heat in 10.08 to ad­vance to the fi­nal. Oth­er run­ners to ad­vance to the fi­nal from Thomp­son's heat were the sec­ond-placed Ja­maican Michael Frater (10.08) as well as Jay­sum Saidy Ndune (10.09) of Nor­way and Mar­ti­na, who came in third and fourth re­spec­tive­ly. Oth­er fin­ish­ers in the men's sprint fi­nal were fifth place Trell Kim­mons (10.11) of the USA, sixth place Lerone Clarke (10.11) of Ja­maica, sev­enth place Ndure (10.14) and France's Mar­tial Mband­jock (10.26), who was eighth.

The per­vi­ous world-lead­ing time of 9.83 sec­onds was record­ed by Pow­ell in Os­tra­va, Czech Re­pub­lic last week.

T&T-born Amer­i­can Ker­ron Clement was al­so on the podi­um in Oslo, win­ning the Men's 400m Hur­dles. Clement's win­ning time was a sea­son best of 48.12 while his coun­try­man Ber­shawn Jack­son ran 48.25 to fin­ish sec­ond with Great Britain's David Greene fin­ish­ing third in 49.05. Mean­while, World In­door cham­pi­on Lo­lo Jones of USA held on to win the Women's 100m Hur­dles over a strong field. Jones clocked 12.66 sec­onds to win the event over event ri­val Priscil­la Lopes-Schliep of Cana­da, who was sec­ond in 12.72, and an­oth­er Cana­di­an Perdi­ta Fe­li­cien, who al­so ran 12.72 for third. Else­where, Amer­i­can cham­pi­on throw­er Chris­t­ian Cantwell left it late to win the Men's Shot Put with a fourth round throw that pro­pelled him from fourth to first. His win­ning ef­fort of 21.31m saw him over­tak­ing Cana­di­an Dy­lan Arm­strong, who lead from the open­ing round un­til then. His best ef­fort of 21.16m came in the sec­ond round.

Poland's Olympic cham­pi­on Tomasz Ma­jew­s­ki was third with a year best ef­fort of 21.12m while Amer­i­can Reese Hof­fa was fourth with a mark of 20.69.Ger­many's Na­dine M�ller won the Women's Dis­cus with an ef­fort of 63.93m in the open­ing round and French pole vaulter Re­naud Lav­il­le­nie won that event with a clear­ance of 5.80m.The Di­a­mond League is the suc­ces­sor to the Gold­en League. There is a to­tal of $6.3 mil­lion in prize mon­ey across 32 track and field dis­ci­plines.

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