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Monday, March 3, 2025

Go E-Parliament–Karim



T&T's Par­lia­ment should start mov­ing to­wards the tech­no­log­i­cal­ly ad­vanced elec­tron­ic (E) Par­lia­ment which could in­crease ef­fi­cien­cy and in­volve more silent sys­tems as oth­er Par­lia­ments have done, Peo­ple's Part­ner­ship Sen­a­tor Fazal Karim said yes­ter­day. Dur­ing de­bate on a mo­tion con­cern­ing Par­lia­ment's ef­fi­cien­cy, Karim not­ed moves in oth­er states to­wards E-Par­lia­ment which fa­cil­i­tat­ed elec­tron­ic vot­ing on bills and e-dis­cus­sions on is­sues. He said such sys­tems could elim­i­nate cross talk and fo­cus bet­ter on is­sues.

Karim al­so sug­gest­ed E-Par­lia­ment sys­tems link­ing the TT Par­lia­ment with oth­ers re­gion­al­ly and in­ter­na­tion­al­ly to cre­ate bills for in­stance. Karim ac­knowl­edged that such a sys­tem would take time. On an­swers to ques­tions posed in Par­lia­ment, Karim said the for­mer PNM Gov­ern­ment was tardy in re­ply­ing to ques­tions, dis­play­ing a "dis­mis­sive, con­temp­tu­ous and ar­ro­gant" at­ti­tude and "be­liev­ing the day of reck­on­ing would nev­er come," Karim added.

He claimed cit­i­zens there­fore felt Par­lia­ment was in­ef­fec­tive to get an­swers and that mat­ters of ur­gent pub­lic im­por­tance were not dealt with ei­ther. Karim not­ed queries about the $45 mil­lion schol­ar­ship plan un­der the PNM. He al­so not­ed that 87 per cent of ques­tions in 2007, for in­stance, re­main unan­swered. A Gov­ern­ment that con­temp­tu­ous­ly re­fus­es to an­swers ques­tions in Par­lia­ment will feel the might and pow­er of the peo­ple," Karim added.(GA)

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