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Sunday, March 23, 2025

Police officer fined $150,000



A po­lice con­sta­ble, for­mer­ly as­signed to the ANR Robin­son Air­port, To­ba­go, who ad­mit­ted to steal­ing items from pas­sen­gers' lug­gage, has been fined $150,000.

In ad­di­tion to the hefty fine, Bri­an Stephens, of La Ba­ja Road, Mara­cas/St Joseph, was al­so placed on a bond in the sum of $50,000 to be on good be­hav­iour for five years when he was sen­tenced by Jus­tice Gillian Lucky in the Port-of-Spain High Court yes­ter­day.

In sen­tenc­ing Stephens, Lucky said he should not view the non-cus­to­di­al sen­tence as le­nient be­cause he would lose all ben­e­fits of be­ing a po­lice of­fi­cer by plead­ing guilty to three charges of mis­be­hav­iour in pub­lic of­fice.

"The mes­sage has to be sent to per­sons who hold po­si­tions of trust that there are se­ri­ous con­se­quences for a breach of that trust. Po­lice have con­sid­er­able pow­ers and you used this pow­er for self prof­it," Lucky said.

She said one of the ag­gra­vat­ing fac­tors in the case was the fact that af­ter be­ing caught red-hand­ed, he con­tact­ed a col­league and asked him to re­move items he had stolen in the past from his apart­ment.

Stephens, who now op­er­ates a taxi ser­vice, agreed to pay $50,000 yes­ter­day and promised to pay the re­main­der in $5,000 month­ly in­stall­ments over the next 20 months.

Ac­cord­ing to the ev­i­dence in the case, de­tec­tives of the Fraud Squad, led by ACP Si­mon Lendor and Se­nior Supt To­taram Dook­ie, be­gan in­ves­ti­gat­ing Stephens in 2008 af­ter they re­ceived nu­mer­ous re­ports from tourists from the Unit­ed King­dom, who lost per­son­al items, in­clud­ing cam­eras and cloth­ing, af­ter ar­riv­ing in To­ba­go.

Hid­den cam­eras were in­stalled where pas­sen­gers' bag­gage is stored in the air­port and Stephens, who was as­signed a snif­fer dog han­dler with the Ca­nine Branch, was caught on three sep­a­rate oc­ca­sions in Oc­to­ber 2008 rum­mag­ing through pas­sen­ger's lug­gage.

Lucky praised the in­ves­ti­ga­tors for their work as she said that the ev­i­dence they gath­er­ered con­sti­tut­ed an al­most in­de­fen­si­ble case against Stephens.

Stephens was rep­re­sent­ed by Lar­ry Williams while An­ju Bho­la pros­e­cut­ed.

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